I have written more on this journey so read on ......This is the - TopicsExpress


I have written more on this journey so read on ......This is the recap first lol HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY PEEPS AND FAMILY!!! OMG I AM HAVING A SICK FREE, non INRRITAING ISSUE DAY AND BAKING COOKIES,,,, !!! I have so much to tell you on what I have indured and hopefully I learned some things God planned for me to learn so I can teach others. Talk about the school of life lol but being a Lightworker of God we have to take these classes to update our teachings... Okay first let me say I havent been able to talk to you fully until now because I havent had the drive to really get on facebook ..My Kindle my family got me because they knew sitting up on PC would be awhile coming I could only come on here spurts at a time... I HAVE MISSED EVERYONE TOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!Well let me get this journey out ... Nove 13th we left house at 5 because I had to be there at 6. God blessed me with a awesome family who was there with me and my bestess buddy Dawn Roberts Hannon I did a little bit of videoing and then Felicia Petrone and Dale Brown went back in pre op with me .. I was in a big room with others going for surgery too. I was scared but when it came time to go I became calm. My last face to see was Felicias after I took my look at Dale. I had all my letters written in my purse and when they wheeled me out all I saidwas Jesus this is your call.. I wont beg for life because you will know where you need me...Just take care of my family pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. WhenI got into the operation room I saw Dr Castangna and some more people.. All I remember is saying hey to Dr C and next thing I knew I couldnt talk and I was looking at Felicia again. I caught glimpses of everyone else but it was all a blur. Next thing I know a man was telling me to breathe in and cough. After the 3rd time the tube was pulled out of my mouth and I could talk. continue later PART 2 I remember people talking then I must have went out again cuz next thing IKNOWA man was telling me I needed to sit in a chair for awhile. WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I am still like a few hours out of surgery!!! but they brought this bed over to mine slipped me on it and next thing I know this bed turns into a freakin nice chair!!! I sat in it for like 3 hrs... After I got back in bed they said they still didnt have a bed for me on the floor I needed to be on but another floor had one so away I went...NOW LET ME SAY my incision still hasnt hurt but just let me say the JOURNEY continues. So That night they got me a bed and Dale Brown stayed with me IN FACT MY HUSBAND SPENT ALL 10 DAYS in the hospital with me at night so I wouldnt have to wait for help.. MY first PROB... THE DAMN BED!!!! it was a motion bed and this damn thing should be used in war to make people talk..EVERYTIME Id get comfortable the bed would start moving insude the matress and poking me... IT WAS suppose to know my body better then me.. WHATEVER!!!! I was in AGONY. Id move it would move and after a nite o f it I cried .. GAWDDDDDDDDDDD GET ME A DAMN NORMAL BED OR KILL THIS ONE!!!! The next day this little nurse said Ill find you an old bed .. these are really very uncomfortable.... AND SHE DID!!!!! PROB 2... being on wrong floor so they didnt know what to do with me. I SHOULD HAVE BEEN trying to walk that NITE of surgery..but for 2 days I laid and was given chicken broth and jello... NO WALKING meant they didnt get my insides moving so everything is still asleep... PROB 3 on 3rd day.. I FELT SICKKKKKKKKKK and started throwing up tons of GREEN stuff...I did it all day.... Throw up feel better eat throw up. then on that rd nite Dr came in and said OH OH thats not good....HUH EXCUSE ME WHATTTTTTTTTTT... she said ..have you been wqlking.. I said no.. in fact these people dont even know why Im here.. I WAS ON THE TRANSPLANT FLOOR!! Dr C said we need toi get you on your floor in Womens center cuz you are throwing up bile.. Your bowels arent awake and the stomach is filling and dumping.. not processing.. She said my stomach was quiet with no sounds.. They found me a room and then said to get in chair to wheel me there . I said NO I WONT cuz one I am puking all over and 2 I AINTLOSINGTHIS BED!! it goes with me!!! So they took me and bed and I got on right floor ..Now PROB 4 NOW LET ME SAY I have never ever had surgery in my life.. so all this crap is all new.. so they said we need to put a tube down nose to suck up stomach stuff till stomach wakes up. When I saw the tube I said I dont think sooooooooooo...thren puked....My hands were tied I had no choices.. so here is one of many OH SHIT WTH times coming. This shit for brains nurse hands me a cup of ice water and said drink and swallow and keep doing it till the hose it down.. Dumb ass me does and gets a whopping brain freeze and screams my headdddddddddddddddd. she pulls out tube and said why didyou stop .. we were all most there.. I said you gave me ice water and my head hurt!!! .. So genius fills up another cup and makes it warm and we start again this tile in other nose.. I started drinking and had to stop to gag cuz now my stomach is freaking full!! Now she is pissed and Im pissed and ;puking.... so she brings in reinforcements and says we have to do this.. forget the water. just keep swallowing air and they held my head I gulped and screamed and it was in.. I was in for 5 days of no eating or drinking and something stuck in my throat feeling sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh on 4th day they saw I was peeing and my stomach was like a helium balloon. I couldnt even sit up cuz it was so big I WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MISERABLE!! and I couldnt lay on my back or even really on side cuz my Veins kept blowingandmy arms were all black and sore.. We tried the walking and they kept begging for even a FART.. just sometingh in my stomach to make a sound..Well on 5th day PROB 5 a nursaidlesd t o a sip of PRUNE juice. HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO now I am crapping every 5 min and it takes me everything I had to get up on potty chair. I was like a turtle on its back everytime I got up.. CONTINUED LATER Felicia
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 18:24:41 +0000

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