I hope youre up for some reading this morning! Sometimes when I - TopicsExpress


I hope youre up for some reading this morning! Sometimes when I get started typing -it just takes off and surprises me -and Venus square Uranus helps with that. :-) So, here is a long post about a long post! Below is a link to an interesting post about the current Venus-Uranus square. One of my subscribers shared it with me and I think its worth re-posting -because it also evokes some commentary of my own. I like what Adam says about being aware of the long-term need to balance strong reactions in our lives (whether positive or negative). That fits with the current placement of Rahu (Lunar N Node) in Libra. When we add in that Venus in Cancer, after passing the square to Uranus, will pass through the South Bending of the Lunar Nodes -then we can really get, the really big picture. The South Bending is the place where the Moon is furthest below the ecliptic. Being the band of sky wherein the Sun, Moon and all the planets traverse the Sky -to me the ecliptic represents consensus reality or normality -whatever that is :-) . Ive spoken here before about Retrograde motion in these terms. Moving forward along the ecliptic is the norm. Therefore, moving backward is about going against the flow, against the norm -presumably to find a new normal. So with Venus in Cancer passing the place where the Moon goes the furthest below the ecliptic -this is like saying She is passing through the belly of the collective consciousness. The Nadir or midnight point of the Nodal axis represents a connection to extremely primal, instinctive, ancestral, and most often completely unconscious material. You see, all the stuff that we take for granted about consensus reality has been being built up around us for Millennia. By necessity, there are many many assumptions about reality in any culture. The most basic assumptions we call memes. These are like genes for cultures. And like genes, they have a very strong, mostly unconscious, desire and need to replicate themselves -to breed. As She passes through the South Bending of the Lunar Nodes, Venus in Cancer is activating our own personal needs to be meme replicators. Therefore, it is a REALLY great time to PAUSE and become reflective about, and aware of, what STORIES we are telling ourselves and each other. Is this meme/story really what we want to pass on -ie, is it a good or productive meme that carries deep rich life affirming humus? Or are there some memes weve been replicating that could stand to be weeded out of our garden? One meme that I am devoted to resurrecting is the place of the Feminine in the creation of the Universe. I really dont like the idea that a Dude created it by himself. That does not seem natural or life affirming to me. Women are the natural creators of our species. In the ancient Egyptian pantheon the Universe was created by the union of Nut and Geb. Nut was the personification of the Milky Way - a great Goddess whose body arched across the entire Sky! The last few nights have been wonderfully clear here and Ive been going out and gazing at the Milky Way in an effort to connect with Nut -because I feel like She is a meme worth replicating. What radical or unusual or Sky based memes are most precious to you? What is the next bold step you can take in carrying them forward? These are the Questions that Venus is Cancer square to Uranus and at the South Bending bring up for me.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 12:51:13 +0000

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