I just added this to the CCB website where Ive been asking people - TopicsExpress


I just added this to the CCB website where Ive been asking people to share their Holy Encounter stories. Theyve been very encouraging. Heres one that reflects on a Holy Encounter that may just turn out to BE a Holy Encounter for someone who read this. Thanks Jessie Horney for these beautiful words! When I am the Beggar. There is the beggar, sitting at the gate. Prostrate in his inefficiency, laid out in that embarrassing state of weakness, a useless body laid to waste. Here is the beggar, sitting at the gate. Crippled by sin. Crippled by fear. Prostrate in her inefficiency, laid to waste by apathy and pride. That ugly beggar at the Gate called Beautiful, he didnt really know what he needed. Because his needs seemed so great, so incredible in the face of his complete lack, he just asked for the bare minimum. For the only currency he understood. Some gold. Some silver. A jangle of coins in his upturned hands, the weight of precious metals against his lonely palms. But Peter knew better. Peter, newly minted with the rushing gift of an all-knowing Holy Spirit, with that Wise and Powerful and Utterly Discerning Spirit within him, he knew better. Peter had more to offer than the man even knew to ask for. And this ugly beggar? This girl squatting at the crossroads of “when” and “why”-- she doesn’t really know what to ask for either. In my mistaken assumptions about my needs, I beg for survival. For the gold and silver that I think will get me through another day. I press my face to the ground and beg for this temporal, fleeting, paltry sum - an ugly donation worthy of the ugliest beggar. Because for some reason, that’s all I can imagine God giving me. It’s all I can imagine deserving. That gold and silver, a pathetic handful of coins tossed in my general direction: it’s as far as my earthly and limited imagination assumes my God is able or willing to give me. But instead? He leans down to my ear and whispers IMAGINE MORE. Imagine healing. Imagine Miracles. Imagine the best gift that you never thought to ask for, and then stand up and walk. I’m over here begging for meager scraps from a God of Infinite, Comprehensive, Overwhelming Imagination and Power and Love! I’m asking for just enough to get me through today when God’s currency is unlimited and freely given. Stop asking for spare coins. Start expecting the astonishing wealth of the King. BECAUSE WE WORSHIP A GOD OF LEAPING, SHOUTING MIRACLES. Let’s join that beggar at the Gate called Beautiful and be healed. Be free. Be surprised. Be loved.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 23:37:06 +0000

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