I just wanted to say what an amazing experience this has been. - TopicsExpress


I just wanted to say what an amazing experience this has been. No; that is not sarcasm. There is one very mean, cruel person out there, and they have been very public with their hate, unfortunately ..... But the amount of support and community that has shown itself in this situation is really incredible. The amount of people, many I wouldnt have previously called or thought of as a friend, that have gone out of their way to reach out and offered support, advice or aid in anyway they can has been inspiring. There has been so much hate, its hard to imagine that its all been real. That a real person did this, but they did. However, there has been more love than I had any idea was out there. While this was something that was meant to push me and others down ... And it has ... Ultimately it has lifted us up, up on the backs of a community of beautiful people who have chosen to stand up and say these actions are unacceptable. Its a beautiful thing that something that was meant as such a show of dominance and hate has created such a feeling of empowerment, love, support and community. So, I just wanted to say thank you.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 03:01:25 +0000

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