I just wrote this letter to the White House and posted it - TopicsExpress


I just wrote this letter to the White House and posted it Publicly... Never before have I ever thought a Presidential vote I cast had been wasted... until this presidency. What I do not understand is when the duties and obligations of being president changed. When instead of the president doing what is right, upholding the Constitution and protecting Americans above all else AS REQUIRED by the Constitution and stipulations for the position of President, we have a president that places ILLEGAL actions above all that. I am for immigration. I have no problem with people migrating to this country.. it was founded based on that huge ideal. What I and MOST Americans have a problem with is the ignoring of a huge part of this whole thing.. the ILLEGAL part of it. They did not enter via proper channels via legal means. They BROKE the LAW coming here. They are ILLEGAL immigrants. And now you reward them for breaking the very laws we are supposed to hold dear in this country. If I broke a law, I would be picked up and thrown in a cell so fast it is not funny... Yet we are supposed to accept that others can do so and be excused for it AND be rewarded.. We are supposed to accept our own government can break the law and do what it wants WITHOUT regard for what the MAJORITY of people across the country have said? I no longer respect the office of president NOR the man now occupying the office. I have watched this country divide further and further in the last few years. I have watched as politics were played across the board by BOTH democrats and republicans... but most shocking by the ONE PERSON mandated by the Constitution to protect us, the president himself. Since the primary job of president is to protect the people, the Constitution and to do the will of the majority and since the fact is none of that is being done in any manner, as far as I am concerned, the office of president is vacant and no longer for the people by the people. You here that read this I am sure will go spastic with what I have said.. Whatever.. have at it. And THAT proves my point.. instead of protecting a country, the president is dividing it pitting American against American. It has become clear and apparent to most of us out here that we do not have a a LEADER in the office of president... nor in the rest of the government.. What we Americans now have is a power hungry, power tripping, GREEDY, bribe filled group of people who think they are above the rest of us and who are more interested in padding their personal fortunes and their power base than anything to do with this country, its laws, heritage, freedoms or Constitution. I am watching the country I proudly volunteered to serve, the country I was born and raised in, the country I love be destroyed not from some enemy outside our borders... rather from an enemy within.. an enemy right here in Washington D.C. An enemy made up of 99% of the people now serving in our senate, congress, white house and numerous other agencies. A group that no longer believes in, works for or does what it can to support and defend the Constitution and the People of the United States. The country and freedoms we had have now been turned into a free for all money and power grab and it is very clear to all of us out here looking in that none of you could care less that our country is dying just as the roman empire and many others have done in the past. We are no longer the United States of America. We have become the Divided States of America due to the selfishness and greed of those in Washington.... regardless of party or affiliation almost to the person, you in Washington have forever ripped this nation apart and what once was, will never be again.. You cannot fix it this time. You have gone too far for people to EVER believe a word you say or support an action you take. We have lost our home.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 06:56:52 +0000

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