I know Im a day late on the news of Fred Phelps death, but I have - TopicsExpress


I know Im a day late on the news of Fred Phelps death, but I have had some thoughts stirring as I watched peoples reactions to his passing. I think what struck me most was the sense of celebration surrounding the whole thing. Despite the fact that I believe that he was part of something wicked and blasphemous, I didnt find any joy or relief rising in my heart at the knowledge of his death. Instead, I found myself caught up in some sobering realizations. 1) Fred Phelps is now standing before his Creator, and will be judged according to his faith in Christ, as evidenced by his works (Rev. 20:12, Mark 16:16, James 2:14). I hope that he discovered the truth and trusted Christ before he drew his last breath. 2) God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, so why should we? (Ezekiel 33:11) He knows what awaits them in the end, and every person who ever lived is precious to the Lord, who knew all of us before we were born (Jer.1:5). 3) Fred Phelps deserved hell no less than Hitler or Stalin, and no more than you or I. None of us is good, none is righteous. People are evil by nature, and we spend our lives in rebellion and iniquity. Scripture is clear that Gods standard is perfection, and by that standard none of us deserve anything but hell (James 2:10, Romans 3:10-18). And if we are honest with ourselves, we know that we deserve punishment. I have known since I was a child that something in human nature - in my nature - is twisted, deceitful, and violent. We lie and distort. We use and destroy. We try to be our own gods. No matter what you believe or dont believe, no matter how nice a person youve been, no matter how respected you are in your community, the day is coming when you will stand before your Creator and Judge, and your good works will seem like filthy rags in comparison to the absolute holiness of God (Isaiah 64:6). In that day, when the One who formed the stars finds you guilty, what will you say? In that day, when you must give account for every lustful thought, every proud look, every deceitful word, and every selfish act, what answer will you give? I was a nice person? I never killed anyone? I was better than other people? In that day, your only hope of escaping what you justly deserve will be the mercy of God (Lam. 3:22) displayed in the person of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:1) - and your faith in, and obedience to, Him. In that day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Christ is Lord - from the most hardened skeptic to the most devout pietist. The only question is, will you accept Him as your Savior, or face Him as your Judge? I hope that question looks back at you from the mirror every day, because none of us know which day will be our last.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 15:17:09 +0000

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