I know everyones talking about Bill Cosby. I just need to say this - TopicsExpress


I know everyones talking about Bill Cosby. I just need to say this though, so bare with me a moment. The most repeated statement I hear from doubters of the accusations, women and even one that does believe the women is why did they wait so long to say their experience. In response, Im hearing most that it doesnt matter how long someone waits, dont victim shame, and who cares, everyone has their reasons. We can do better than to throw around these cliche statements. It does matter why they waited and we need to talk about this subject. Most of the victims said they did report the crime sooner. They were intimidated, humiliated, and ultimately threatened and paid off. Then there are ones whose silence couldnt be paid off, so they rejected that resolution but the suffering of not being believed was enough for them to stop talking. This happens far more times than anyone will ever know! Its torture to not be accepted and believed when someone is brave enough to come out with a truth of any sort, but when its the truth of their abuse at the hands of another person it is a pain too deep to explain. Why do we victim shame in the first place? Why would people jump to a celebrities defense solely based on how they were portrayed on a television show? Why would we automatically assume its just the womans 15 minutes of fame and that all she wants is money? First, its actually safer for the women to come out now. Lawyers cant shut them up, money cant be given to buy their silence, all they have to lose is possibly a little of their reputation-by idiots who decide to shame them. I promise the women dont even care about that at this point. They want the truth told, whether its believed by the majority or not. This takes tremendous courage and guts of steel. It also takes courage to continue on with life after the abuse. These women have lived all this time! Theyve got families , careers, and theyve created a life for themselves. Lets encourage these women. Lets not shame them. Lets stop putting celebrities on a pedestal and refuse to believe anything bad about them just because of a character they played. Lets realize that just because you are hearing it for the first time doesnt in any fashion mean its been said for the first time.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:17:30 +0000

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