I love a good debate. I helped found this group for that very - TopicsExpress


I love a good debate. I helped found this group for that very reason. It has been said, and to some degree it is very true, that liberals quickly resort to personal attacks when the argument goes against them because they have no facts to back up their ideology. I was curious as to why, so today I actually watched TV news just to see. On Fox news they were talking about ISIS, attacks on Christianity throughout the world, the plunging value of the dollar thanks to foreign manipulation, the effect of illegal immigration on unemployment, the Benghazi investigation, and the effects of Obamacare on the economy. On ABC, they were talking about why cats have whiskers (no joke) and wildfires in the western coastal states. On CBS, they were talking about the effects of overwork on older people and the football player hitting his wife. On NBC, they were debating Hillarys choices of diamonds or pearls in the 2008 debates. On CNN, they were talking about how heartless the republicans were for not welcoming all of these undocumented children into the country. Now, Im no expert, but whether you agree with the conclusions or not, at least Fox was actually talking about important stuff. Granted the wildfires and elderly are important, as is domestic violence, but cats whiskers and diamonds vs pearls? Really? Really? Given the current situation abroad and the American economy, and seeing as she married him AFTER he did it, I really dont give a rats ass anymore about her crappy choice in life partners. She obviously thought the money would be worth it, so more power to her. My point is, THIS is why liberals cannot debate and resort to insults. They are obviously mis and mal informed of the issues and situations. My advice to them would be to either get your info from Fox news (you dont have to agree with them, but at least you will have a grasp of the narrative) or from some reliable on-line sources. I recommend Infowars (a bit crazy, but usually spot on), The Blaze (a bit on the religious soap box, but usually right on and about a year or more ahead of the MSM), Breitbart (beyond reproach), or the Drudge report. (Where AP/UP and most MSM gets its stories). Even if you dont agree with their conclusions, I guarantee you will learn more real information than you do from TV news. God bless one and all.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 05:16:56 +0000

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