I my opinion….Yup it’s THAT time again ! {I DOUBLE DARE YOU - TopicsExpress


I my opinion….Yup it’s THAT time again ! {I DOUBLE DARE YOU ACTUALLY READ IT !!!} It is he sole responsibility of those elected to public office to ! represent ! the Citizens of your community, city, county, state, etc…To the very best of your abilities with the needs and voice of ALL persons. Political affiliation aside ! I want to make this very clear: I am running for Kent County Commissioner/ District #1 upon the platform and mission statement of the U.S. Michigan Tax Payer Party {USPT}. I believe in what the U.S. Constitution Party stands for. I most strongly personally believe with my whole heart and mind in the Patriots creed of “God, Family, County…FIRST, FOREMOST and ALWAYS ! I believe the Republican Party is severely and historically BROKEN. Even on local levels the “average” citizen is dismissed in order for the ‘light’ to shine on those who bring their names to the meetings. In many cases, the Republicans tend to want to ‘BEAT’ the other parties rather than implement and effect ideas and policies that would better the quality of life for their fellow citizens, communities, respective areas of representation. The Democrat Party has become NOTHING MORE than a FAILED extension…EVEN AT THE LOCAL LEVELS of this COMPLETE and UTTER- EXTREME FAILURE of this ?president? and his administration. There answer to every thing is to continue to SPEND and TAX to pay for it…without EVER clearly defining what “IT” is. The Libertarian Party boasts “Individual Constitutional rights, liberty, freedom” above ALL else…unless and until one of their own happens to exercise their OWN Constitutional right of {free thought} Free Speech. You are either a “sheep” or you are OUT. I chose the U.S.TPM because overall, with very few exceptions, they practice what they preach. There will always be those who insist on providing only ONE side of an argument. There will ALWAYS be individuals who expect others to ‘tow THEIR line’ without exception… But, most importantly the U.S. TPM {USCP} believes in the Civil, Constitutional and Unalienable rights, freedom, liberty, opportunity and responsibility of OUR fellow American Citizens. Eliminating WASTEFUL and ILLEGAL tax and spend policies limiting the size and power of government, returning powers not Constitutionally specific to the Federal government to the States, Promoting and enacting policies that benefit OUR local, district, state and National fellow Citizens and moreover puts the VOICE and the needs of the People. There will most likely NEVER be a political party or politician that I will believe and blindly follow in every aspect…But I searched for a political party that best coincides with my beliefs and the original intent, spirit of, reasoning for and actuality of OUR Founding Fathers and the MILLIONS of TRUE American Patriots who have risked and given THEIR lives for the very freedoms, liberty, rights and opportunity WE the People seem to simply take for granted. Support and Elect Chuck Riley for Kent County Commissioner- District #1
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 15:41:15 +0000

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