I never take for granted that every one of my facebook friends are - TopicsExpress


I never take for granted that every one of my facebook friends are born again Christians . Some are not . I wasnt always one myself . I was empty , alone , dying and on my way to an eternal place of the damned , if I had not been given the gospel and believed it . I wasted my so-called life ! I emotionally hurt my family , and hurt the very One who suffered and gave his life for me on that horrible and terrible and excruciatingly painful cross ! I cannot imagine have a crown of thorns jabbed down into my skull ! That is what Jesus took for you and for me ! So if you are one of my facebook friends ; and do not know where you will go after your very last breath comes to you , you CAN KNOW FOR CERTAIN -- RIGHT THIS VERY MOMENT . Jesus suffered and died for you so that you could have that choice to either come to him on your very own ; or reject him . He gave you that choice just like he gave me . You can be FREE from the slavery and final punishment of your sins IF YOU WANT TO BE . Jesus said the , The wages of sin is death ; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ , our Lord . But a gift is no good to anyone until we REACH OUT AND TAKE IT . You or I cannot work our way to Heaven by just turning over a new leaf and trying to be a good person . Our goodness and righteousness must only COME FROM HIM . Jesus said that it is , NOT BY WORKS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS WHICH WE HAVE DONE ; BUT ACCORDING TO HIS MERCY , HE SAVED US . We need to humbly come to the Lord in pray awe are a sinner and need his mercy and forgiveness . NO ONE CAN DO IT FOR US . He promised to have mercy on us and wipe all our past sins away for good . He promised that he would do this if we make that choice to believe and turn to him . He will instantly make us his own children right then and there is we really mean business with him . I hope you make that choice right now without putting him off any longer . After you come to him you will know for certain that you are going to heaven when you die . These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God ; that ye may KNOW THAT YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE , and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God . 1 JOHN 5:13
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 18:19:09 +0000

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