I promised someone a long time ago Id do one of these so here you - TopicsExpress


I promised someone a long time ago Id do one of these so here you go 50 Truths about Me 1. Whats your nickname name? Pj 2. Where do you live? Wisconsin 3. Whats your favorite thing to do? Play video games 4. How tall are you? 511 5. Whats your favorite food? Beef Jerky 6. What color are your eyes? Hazel 7. Are you single or taken? Single 8. Who do you love? Doesnt Matter 9. What are your parents names? Donna and Sonny 10. How many siblings do you have? 5 Originally 11. What kind of pets have you had (past and present)? A Shiton 12. Whats your favorite animal? Wolf 13. Did you do well in school? Nope 14. What did you dream about last night? Exactly what happened Today 15. Whats your zodiac sign? Leo 16. What do you want to do right now? Sleep for about a year. 17. Where do you see yourself at in 10 years? Tbh I have no idea, hopefully doing good in the world 18. Are your parents married/separated/divorced? Divorced 19. Do you like chocolate? Sure 20. Are you easily amused? Very 21. Whats your favorite song? Beginning Of A Bad Idea- Tyler Ward 22. Whats your favorite T.V. show? Mythbusters 23. Whats your favorite movie? Any Harry Potter Movie 24. Whos your hero? Brother/Grandpa, If you mean Superhero: Ironman/Superman 25. Whens your birthday? August 4th 26. Were you a difficult child? Nope 27. Whats your best childhood memory? Late night walks with my friends 28. What/Who makes you happy? Eh. 29. Do you cry a lot? Not Usually but shit happens 30. Explain yourself in one word. Learning 31. What do you think about the most? The Future 32. Where is your dream vacation? Rome 33. Are you bilingual? If Sarcasm is a Language 34. Do you have a lot of patience? Depends on the Situation 35. Whos your favorite author? Rick Riordan 36. Whos your best friend? Alex, Andy, Jeffrey, and James 37. You cant live without...? Internet/Technology 38. Whats your dream destination? Italy 39. Most embarrassing moment? Too many to count 40. Whats your favorite food? Didnt we already ask this shit, Beef Jerky 41. Greatest achievement? I honestly dont know. 42. Hometown? Phoenix Arizona 43. Innermost fear? Not making a difference in this World 44. Just finished reading? An article on how old the moon Titan is. 45. Favorite book genre? Sci-Fi 46. What makes you laugh? How stupid some people are. 47. One wish? A Life Guide 48. Favorite pizza topping? Mushrooms 49. Quote that describes you? even if you fall on your face, youre still moving forward 50. Worst habit? Overthinking
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 07:22:15 +0000

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