I promised that when my page reached 500 likes Id share my story! - TopicsExpress


I promised that when my page reached 500 likes Id share my story! Deep breath in.....here we go. I just wanted to let you know that although this is my job, it is also my vocation and everything I do and teach comes directly from my desire to help solve a problem for mummies. I have first hand experience of the physical and emotional demands being a mum places on us and I have also have first hand experience of all the things you SHOULD NOT do when trying to get your sparkle back. Before children I was an athlete and a Captain in the British Army (Royal Artillery). I was fit and active and used to having to exert physical and mental toughness. NOTHING however could have prepared me for the demands placed on mind and body during pregnancy and as a mum! Unfortunately, due to a back injury and terrible morning sickness, I took the whole eating for two thing very literally and managed to gain an unhealthy 6 stone during this period. I then yo-yo dieted in between having my 2 children, losing a bit and then putting more back on because I focused on calorie counting as opposed to eating well. When my 2nd child was 5 weeks old, my husband was deployed to Afghanistan for 7 months and I took this as my opportunity to sort myself out. Unfortunately, I went about this in a really unhealthy way causing my body great damage and trauma. OK, I looked slim (I lost that 6 stone in 7 months) but completely wrecked my body. Most of my hair fell out, my skin was terrible, I have absolutely NO energy (which is a recipe for PND when youre coping on your own and a baby and a challenging 2 year old), my pelvic floor was so shot I was going through a box of tena lady ever couple of days and my tummy muscles had a gap so large between them, you could fit your fist into it! It was only when I started to educate myself on the correct way to do thing that I began to heal. Im not trying to shock or draw comment, Im just trying to let you know that the whole reason I started Fiesta Fit Club was to create a supportive, safe and effective environment for mums to get their sparkle back and learn how to feel good about themselves and their bodies again. Ive been there. I understand the pressures and the feeling of not entirely liking the skin youre in. Im here to help - just ask x
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 13:59:40 +0000

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