I really feel sorry for the people of the Philippines because of - TopicsExpress


I really feel sorry for the people of the Philippines because of the typhoon. I pray for them daily. BUT…the United States of American has its own “typhoon” running rampant throughout! We have: 1. A “ President” who LIES (OBAMACARE BEING THE MAJOR ONE THIS TIME), ABUSES HIS POWER (EXERTING EXECUTIVE ORDERS AT WILL), STEALS (USES AMERICAN’S MONEY TO VACATION, PARTY, GOLF ETC), COMMITS TREASON (SUPPORTS THE MUSLUM BROTHERHOOD), DO NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE (PLACES BLAME ON ALL BUT HIMSELF), TAKEN AWAY OUR FREEDOM OF RELIGION & SPEECH, ETC 2. An Attorney General (HOLDEN) who: REFUSES TO TURN OVER PERTAINANT DOCUMENTS, SELECTIVELY ENFORCES FEDERAL LAW, REFUSES TO PROSECUTE OFFICIALS, PROVIDES FALSE TESTIMONY ETC 3. A White House Secretary (SEBELIUS) who (also) LIES (OBAMACARE), PLACES BLAME ON OTHERS, WILL NOT GIVE PERTAINTANT INFORMANTION IN REGARDS TO ANYTHING, ETC 4. A White House Press Secretary who: COVERS FOR AND KISSES THE ASS OF THE PRESIDENT. 5. A House & Senate who: WILL NOT IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT. When the next election comes around how many people will NOT vote because they are afraid their vote won’t count due to FRAUD (machines rigged to ONLY vote Democrat), ILLEGAL VOTING (dead people voting or MULTIPULE votes), uncounted or “lost” votes (like last time with the servicemen & women who voted in absence)? How soon is America going to wake up? WE the PEOPLE have to get out there and STAND UP FOR WHAT WE BELIEVE IN AND DESERVE FOR THIS COUNTRY! WE the PEOPLE have to START NOW! IN GOD WE TRUST, IN GOD WE BELIEVE NOW WALK THE WALK!!!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 11:38:57 +0000

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