I really felt like I needed to share my story up until this point. - TopicsExpress


I really felt like I needed to share my story up until this point. I am also a little nervous about sharing since I have never really felt confident in what I am able to do. My big journey began in November when I realized that I had hit my second biggest weight since before my oldest daughter was born. I had hit full term pregnancy weight after my second daughter was born. I had hit 164lbs. This was a huge blow to me. I swore I would never be that big again. So in January I decided I was going to lose some weight. It took me a while since I was recovering from some back problems. I had lost 10lbs. I thought I was doing good and then one of the biggest blows came. My mom whom has no filter when it comes to chubby people. We were at my nephews graduation party and she made a comment that she had 2 daughters that looked like her. I was very upset so I decied to do something about it. I was going to eat right and lose all that extra weight. I was doing okay and then I met with Amanda Workman-Lutter. She has changed my life in a much bigger way than I could imagine. I have since January lost 25lbs and since June when Amanda and I started working together to get my eating under control and my weight as well. Since June I have lost 15lbs and I never thought I would be under 140 again. I am very proud to say that I am now in the 130s and I will soon be getting out of them to reach my goal weight of 125. I still have 14 pounds to go but I know now that I can do it and I will do it. My biggest supporters have been my family. My husband has been a rock and really encouraged me to do this for myself. So I want to say thank you to Ricky my husband and Amanda for all the encouragement this far. THANK YOU!!!!!! Oh one more thing here is my current weight of 139lbs. I am doing my happy dance today.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 13:35:51 +0000

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