I recieved an email statement from Senator John Mckinney on his - TopicsExpress


I recieved an email statement from Senator John Mckinney on his views for Common Core. It is up to you to vote and make a difference, we as a group are not here to sway your decision, only to show you the facts. Please read the statement and the information we have provided on Foley as well. Statement of Sen. John McKinney On Common Core Standards August 11, 2014 “The difference between my opponent and myself on Common Core could not be more clear. If elected, I would repeal the Common Core standards for all Connecticut schools. My opponent has not taken a clear position, although he says that the Common Core standards should not be applied to “successful school districts. Despite my opponents claims, Common Core standards were never authorized by the state legislature, but rather approved by bureaucrats at the State Department of Education. Families, teachers and students were never allowed to voice their opinions on this major change. As a result, we have anxiety in the classroom and an imperfect set of standards that are being forced on districts. That’s why I support repeal of Common Core. “I know from my brother, a long-time teacher in the Bridgeport public schools, and from my own experience as the dad of three children who have attended public schools, that teachers are on the front lines. They know their students best and are most informed when it comes to the indicators of growth and development. There is a process to go by if a teacher is struggling. Support and guidance in the district is key to success. Any teacher evaluation system should support teachers and promote classroom achievement.”
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 02:31:59 +0000

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