I recieved this email today and everyone needs to make sure they - TopicsExpress


I recieved this email today and everyone needs to make sure they find the website to sign and stop Obama Care in its tracks!!!! Dear Patriot,It could hardly be worse for President Obama.The ObamaCare roll out has been a disaster. Something as simple and elementary as the healthcare.gov website is plagued with glitches making the system completely unworkable.Millions of Americans are receiving notices that their health insurance is being cancelled or their premiums are skyrocketing.The state of Delaware alone spent $4 million to enroll only four people in ObamaCare.And ObamaCare expert navigators were recently caught on camera coaching people to lie on their applications.But as bad as all this is, it means nothing if you and I dont fight back. So today Im counting on your advice . . .Ive created for you a special Grassroots Directive. Wont you please fill it out IMMEDIATELY?Earlier last year, I launched a 13-hour filibuster, taking over the floor of the U.S. Senate from Majority Leader Reid to highlight the issue of out-of-control government power and domestic drone use.I know you and millions of other Americans stood with me all the way.Now I am asking you to stand with me once again as even more critical fights approach.The truth is, with the ObamaCare rollout debacle, the talk in Congress is now about reforming or fixing the bill.Im as worried as anyone about the damage this disastrous law is inflicting on the American people.But reform isnt the answer. Fixing the bill is no solution. All this would do is allow ObamaCares taxes and regulations to become even further entrenched.So the answer is outright REPEAL. And you and I cant settle for anything less.I hope you agree -- and if you think this should be my top priority in the next few months --please mark REPEAL OBAMACARE on your Stand With Rand Member Directive.But before you do, please consider everything else you and I are likely to face over the next few months.With his approval levels at a record low, President Obama is doing everything possible to change the subject off ObamaCare by ramming through even more Big Government power grabs into law, including:***More taxing and spending. You and I both know Washington, D.C.s debt problem isnt due to a lack of revenue (taxes). The problem is spending. Yet, those in BOTH parties want to keep hiking our national debt limit and passing new job-destroying schemes like the National Internet Tax Mandate.***Gun Control. President Obama has already called for transformation of our nations gun laws, and has done his best to chip away at our Second Amendment with a flurry of Executive Orders.With the U.N.s so-called Small Arms Treaty waiting in the wings, Im afraid you and I could see a renewed push for gun control in Congress as well.***Immigration Reform. Over my objections, the bill the Senate passed earlier this year lacks real safeguards to ensure the Obama administration does its job in securing our border.Just as bad, the bill also includes a new National ID database, which will only increase government spying on U.S. citizens. The Republican-controlled House has effectively announced the Senates version dead on arrival, but its virtually assured the fight over this issue will be back. Frankly, Im not sure how much more of this madness we can take!So if you think defeating President Obamas legislative schemes are most important, please markSTOP PRESIDENT OBAMAS AGENDA on your Member Directive.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:43:09 +0000

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