I sent this. Its a last ditch attempt..at short notice.... but if - TopicsExpress


I sent this. Its a last ditch attempt..at short notice.... but if he receives many similar responses he may be swayed. Worth a shot! [email protected] Dear Mr Stevenson Thank you for your response to my recent letter in which I urged you to vote to recognise Palestine on Monday. While I appreciate your intention to support the motion, I am disturbed that you wish to put restrictions upon this recognition. Dumbing the motion down makes a mockery of its intent. I would like to make a number of points regarding your response. Hamas is the democratically elected government of Gaza. Nationally, they are in partnership with Fatah to create the Palestinian Authority- in which Hamas are the lesser partner. Your arguments about Hamas led Palestinian Parliament are out of touch with the current situation. In addition, your comments smack of imperialism! Who are we to say who should run another country and who shouldnt? It is not up to us to approve of another countrys citizens democratic choices. However, it IS up to us to defend global democracy and to protect the innocent from oppression. There is a strong need for us to defend the Palestinian peoples right to exist! The Palestinians autonomy should be recognised within a 2 state solution.... otherwise there are not 2 states! That recognition is needed now. Israel has no intention of concluding successful peace talks. Israel has breached the ceasefire on numerous occasions since 26 August. Despite this, Hamas have not fired one rocket from Gaza. Israels infringement goes unreported in the national media but details can be found across the internet and are documented in numerous reputable middle eastern media outlets. Israel continues the Blockade of Gaza and has further restricted Palestinian fishing zones- despite these actions being in direct contravention of the 26 August agreement. Israeli tanks have encroached on Gazan land, citizens have been fired at by naval forces. In the West Bank, illegal evictions continue; citizens are kidnapped, their homes and land destroyed and plans put in place for the largest illegal settlement expansion in 40 years. These are not the actions of a nation which seeks peace. By attempting to amend Mondays motion to one in which recognition will take place following conclusion of successful peace negotiations, you are ensuring that recognition will never happen. Your hopes that I will be reassured that [you] are indeed supportive of a Palestinian state are misplaced. Rather, I am sickened that given an opportunity to make positive change you have chosen to allow persecution to continue. I urge you to reconsider your stance on this issue, and ask that you vote in favour of immediate recognition of the Palestinian state...... regardless of Conservative whip, party line or CFI membership. The majority view in Israel is that Palestine and its citizens be erased (see this video of the recent Russell Tribunal for evidence youtube/watch?v=SDNFdjwolaI). A vote of recognition, come Monday would ensure this idea does not become reality. Finally, please contemplate this quote by Norman Finkelstein which reflects the UN stance that occupied people have a right to defend themselves from an occupying power (Israel is classed as an occupying force by UN security council and therefore has a duty to protect the people it controls) People have the right to defend their country from foreign occupiers, and people have the right to defend their country from invaders who are destroying their country. Many informed legal commentators are aware that far from being terrorists, the Palestinian people (and their representatives) are enforcing their right to resistance. Yours Sincerely Fiona Goldie
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 14:52:38 +0000

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