I spend a LOT of time on pinterest and here are 10 things I have - TopicsExpress


I spend a LOT of time on pinterest and here are 10 things I have learned: 1. For some reason everyone who has a blog refers to their home as a cottage 2. Budget-friendly means less than $100.00 per yard for fabric 3. Their recipes all look as if they copied the pictures out of the cookbook (not putting it past them at this point) 4. They never get upset with their children 5. They all have perfect husbands who are happy all the time, no arguing there, stepford wives unite could be an alternate name for the site FYI: My husband is a super nice guy but he still looks at me crazy when I drag in a piece of furniture missing a leg that I paid $2.00 for and tell him this is going to be a tv stand in our bedroom (and it is by the way) 6. They never disagree with anyone, they all have the perfect friends. I know this is a fairytale because women argue regardless of how much they care about one another, FACT. Seriously, I attempted to throw my 8 month pregnant sister out of my car on the highway while my aunt and mom watched from the backseat, she didnt get out ( I would have went back for her anyway, if not, who would I gripe about my parents to????oh yeah, plus she gave me adorable nieces and a nephew, and I L......oove her??? kind of, okay a lot), and we talked the next day like it never happened. So again, Women fight, dont pretend you dont! 7. This site can cause you to collect all your toilet paper rolls and veggie cans and even have other family members doing the same for you. (I needed 12 tp rolls, empty of course, and my papa buys the ones that are white (hes not as cheap as I am). I am up to 57 and dont have the heart to tell him ENOUGH lol. 8. Dont get me wrong, I LOVE art, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to create, paint, sew, etc., but Im opinionated, sometimes loud, with an out there sense of humor, a crazy family(some of you), I stand up for myself (even when Im wrong and it all of a sudden dawns on me that I am wrong, thats when I argue harder lol), Im a bit bossy, definitely a control freak, a closet perfectionist, love my kids but they are not perfect and we only have amazing family photos in our house when I forget to remove the photo of the family that came with the frame! 9. The site has me pinning make-up and hair tips, and anyone who knows me knows that I rarely wear make-up or brush my hair for that matter (lol, the only thing that keeps me from wearing pjs to wally world is my fear of winding up on the people of walmart website.) 10. This is the worst thing Ive learned: I love reading about other peoples faux-lives and looking at their over-achieving kiddos pics that they have taught multiple languages to while working full-time, cleaning their house daily like a boss, driving their kids all over, all the while making 3 healthy nutritious magazine looking meals each day, crafting and creating, all while shopping at over-priced places such as Potterybarn to create that perfect look and making sure not to be unkempt or in a bad mood when their husband gets home (I personally feel the need to enlighten my husband about every bit of gloom and doom that has or will happened that day before he gets completely through the door, why should I suffer alone lol! I always have preferred fiction to non. Oh yeah, and pinterest rocks! lol, I spend like hours on there daily, probably why I dont have time to live up to their standards. Seriously, it is an awesome site, I dont know what I would do if not for it, I certainly wouldnt have a spaghetti can flower arrangement!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 08:21:44 +0000

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