I spend a lot of time posting about politics and I think that - TopicsExpress


I spend a lot of time posting about politics and I think that perhaps the most frustrating part of that for me is not, as you might think, dealing with liberals, but instead, having to cope with my moderate friends who seem to believe that the most virtuous course is always to try to work with the other side. These are people who, for the most part, seem to understand that something is wrong with the way our country is going, but who quail at actually confronting this fact in any strong way. The lines I hear from them most often are words like I dont want to be judgmental, or its not my place to condemn. And I seethe. The fact of the matter is that if it isnt their place, then whose place is it? If they cant understand that there is goodness in standing against evil, then havent they just made themselves irrelevant? I heard a friend the other day commenting, quite publicly, on the fact that Putin just has a different world view. Yes. Its different, but its also evil. This is a man who is responsible for the murder of hundreds, if not thousands, and the banishment/incarceration of hundreds and hundreds more who have the temerity to disagree with him. This same friend went on to comment that perhaps were being arrogant when we believe that every nation should have the same liberty we possess. But who are we if we dont stand with the downtrodden who long for what we have? I dont endorse charging into a country to fix it without having been invited, but how about when we *are* invited? How about when the people of a nation *want* us to intervene? Do we have no obligation as a mighty nation to do so? Is there no such thing as a duty inherent in being strong? I think people who call themselves moderates tend to feel (despite their protestations that they dont wish to judge), above those of us who DO judge, who DO discriminate, who DO stand strongly for a belief in the notion that there is such a thing as right and there is such a thing as wrong. Gray areas are just those areas where moderates are experiencing a form of philosophical cataract. I also think this is a failure of courage. It takes courage to stand strongly for something. Of course, people like me are called radical or extremist precisely because we arent afraid of who we might offend. If we cant convince our moderate friends that they need a come-to-Jesus moment where this country is concerned, we may well continue to lose such liberties as we have left because those moderates will always prefer seeing themselves as open-minded to seeing the truth, admitting it, confronting the falsities all around them, and then doing something about it all. The next rant I publish will be about so-called conservatives who arent.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 16:03:28 +0000

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