I spoke with Mom last night. I have a request for all of you and - TopicsExpress


I spoke with Mom last night. I have a request for all of you and then I have something to say.... A request... Things in Cleveland arent going so well. Dont ask. I wont tell. Mom and he household NEED your prayers, positive thoughts and well wishes. PLEASE. Send them ASAP by phone ,mail, carrier pigeon or smoke signal. Thank you. About me... Like Destinys Child, Im a survivor. I am resourceful. I have never gotten stuck in a strange land because I make sure to become a familiar face in any land that is unknown. Im carrying on the traditions of my great and great-great grandparents. I come from a long line of gypsies and witches. The Universe is under MY control. Without harming others or this spinning planet most of us call home, I live a life of happiness and abundance. I may seem to be nothing more than a wandering fool but this wandering fool is HAPPY. On their deathbeds, most people (when asked what they wished they had done more of in life) say I wish I had taken more time to be happy. This is is my time to be happy. If you feel anything Ive ever written, feel this. Feel the tears coming from my eyes out of excitement, fear, confidence and exploration. If wed stop spending so much time trying to figure out why were here and just BE HERE, wed all be a lot happier. Life isnt about closure. Its not about why who did what to who. It isnt blame. It isnt net worth. Its isnt Versace. It isnt Wal-Mart. Its getting on a car with someone you thought you knew, traveling across the country to cities and terrains youve never seen and realizing that person you thought you knew was actually someone pretty amazing. Someone who had lost himself somewhere along the way and discovering that this person is the MOST IMPORTANT person ever put on this planet. This person is YOU. And now... the immortal words of Baz Lurhmann...
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 17:58:04 +0000

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