I spoke with the witness who recorded parts of the altercation - TopicsExpress


I spoke with the witness who recorded parts of the altercation with police and a single protester from Monday. He gave me the first part of his recording. I have to say after watching this video, the officer seemed to be doing a pretty good job of dealing with this and the witness... While being recorded. I will show this video below. But first lets cover the whole story as from the view of the witness. As well lets also acknowledge the wrongs and rights of both the protester and the recorder. The protester: From what Ive found out about him, he was frustrated with the lack of police accountability for their violent and sometimes deadly actions. He decided to go out and protest this by himself. I have absolutely no clue about this whole set up situation, nor will I speculate. He could have done this properly and organized it so he wasnt alone. He also shouldnt have laid down in the street. I wish he would have contacted me so I could have helped him to organize or even talk about his problems of this concern. But it is what it is. He was peaceful, thats a fact. The recorder: He took the time to watch, record and care about another citizen. With any and all the criticism he is getting from some of you, I stand by this man 100%. To stand up for a fellow citizen against armed thugs with no accountability is courageous. Yes, yes, I know he shouldnt have walked out onto the street. He should have kept a safe distance and recorded. But I understand his concern. I try to teach all of you how to film police with out crossing boundaries and staying with in your rights. But in the end, he actually did something most of you wouldnt care to do or dont even have the balls to do. He stood up for another citizen because he felt at the moment it was unjust. I commend him for that. And I will definitely take more time to post proper ways to record police so we can do a more safe job of this. Now lets get into the eye witness report. In this video,(which was taken minutes before the second short clip) the officer is very polite and as courteous as could be. I have actually found many of the police around town to be pretty friendly and polite on video. So I imagine everyone will say, you have nothing blah blah blah. I dont care. Im trying to show people how to record and bring awareness to the issue. If you dont think this is an issue, it must be nice to live in your bubble. For others, police misconduct has ruined their lives. Now, yes the officer was doing a great job in this video. What the witness had to tell me after was this. Once i put my camera away.. He started with the attitude.... The cop you see is the cop that was pressing his knee into the guys back of the head... His face was pressed so hard to the ground that when he was picked up there was enough blood to be in a movie.... Why would this man even have to lie about such actions happening? He doesnt. Why would the cops try to lie and cover this up? Public relations and damage control. Police demeanour always changes and they are the ones who will escalate any situation to what ever level they feel like taking it to. If you dont know this. Then more than likely you havent encountered a pissy cop on a bad day. I stated to the witness that they are always better behaved on camera. The witness continued, Yeah i was leaving. Then i saw them gett really ruff with him and twisting his arms like UFC arm bars. Thats when I went back. Trying to film. Buddy grabbed my arm and my camera went off. Then it was cops all over threatening to put me in jail for causeno a disturbance. Completely intimidated this man because they knew they had to stop him from exploiting their violent behaviour. If you people actually believe police statements and reports, you are still asleep. They will say ANYTHING to sound like the good guys. Hey, its hard for me to say, but I like a few of the cops on our force. The bad thing is though, they know there are bad cops on the force and they do NOTHING ABOUT IT! We need to watch and record and question their actions since the good cops arent keeping us safe from the bad ones. They are not allowed to intimidate anyone to stop from filming. Being on the street yes, using a slap on the filmers arm, NO! Then using the threat of jail to stop exposure of their misconduct and using the media to sound like they are just good guys....... Some of you will never wake up, I understand this. But I will expose all threats, actions, misconduct and lies. Which is only going to wake up more of those who are capable of seeing between the lines the police and mass media will feed you. Its obvious that the police were doing damage control as soon as I posted the last video. So watch this video knowing the story now. Then go watch the second part of it on the first post. See the demeanour change? See how they are covering up their actions. That man bled and I will talk to him soon enough and find out his side of the story. I will NOT stand by and let these police use violence against peaceful people. Ooooh no he laid in the street in protest of police violence, only to be met with police violence. Alright heres the video... Let the arguments begin... Im gonna try and sit this one out.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 01:44:39 +0000

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