I started feeling a tickle in my throat on Christmas day...I - TopicsExpress


I started feeling a tickle in my throat on Christmas day...I missed a week of church and work and I am still not back to being well. This is on top of already dealing with occasional migraines and auto immune affected arthritis. Ive not been sick like this in a good LONG while...probably three or four years. Ive literally been up every four hours taking medication, (thats if I could even fall asleep at all), cranked the heat up then down then back up as my fever fluctuated, and kept rolls and boxes of tissue in every room of the house. Ive coughed for seven hours straight...sat up in the middle of the night because I could barely breathe...and then Id cry because I felt so bad...which made it even worse. I didnt feed the cats and honestly barely fixed a meal besides soup. Normal house cleaning hadnt happened on top of being too weak to do anything more than carry around a portable trash receptacle so that I could throw things away wherever I dropped. Spent money meant for Christmas fun on medicine...and cough drops! So. Many. Cough drops. Basically, Ive been unbearable for the last two weeks. And yet... beside me the whole time without a single complaint, was my husband, Charlie Corum! Charlie fed the cats. Charlie fed US! Charlie went out at 2am to get more cough drops. Charlie remembered if Id taken this pill or that syrup. I think at one point Charlie did my laundry. When my body hurt from fever aches and coughing he rubbed or scratched my back to soothe me. When I had a migraine he took my hair down from a pony and played with my hair till I fell asleep. We watched what I wanted to watch even though Id just fall asleep ten mins in to the show and hed be stuck for the next hour or two watching it. We ate what I wanted to eat. I took up more than my portion of a queen sized bed with my giant pillow fort in effort to elevate me enough so I didnt cough or snore all night... (I still did both...loudly!) He bought the ice cream and smoothie stuff that I liked to soothe my throat and wasnt critical of the dinners I did manage to make being simple or bland b/c I cant taste anything or do anything more. Feeling somewhat poorly himself, he still remained focused on me and maintained going to work (the holidays being peak time for him), still checking in on breaks by phone or text just to see how I was feeling! I never heard him complain. I never heard anything but his wishing I felt better and commiting to pray. Oh...yes...and I love you! During a time when my hair was unwashed in my famous top knot bun, in an old Drive tshirt, with three year old teal striped pj pants and no makeup or perfume tucked under three fleece blankets, shivering and sweating and coughing so hard my face had gone red, hes just staring at me with this look of adoration...stroking a flyaway hair that had snuck out of the messy bun. Jokingly, once Id caught my breath, (and settled back down onto the Pinkie Pie pillow plush he got me so that I would smile...and yes he sang The Smile Song with it!) I poked him and in faux stern voice said Just what are YOU looking at? His response was genuine...and Im not sure he realized just how he made me feel. Your pretty face! You got a problem with that? Tough...cause youre my wife which means I get to look at your pretty face ALL I want! And I thought to myself...who could have asked for a better birthday? TBH, 2014 can simply go die in a fire. I lost my way after a fashion...and while I had some great growths... it felt so overshadowed by the darkness that was allowed under my roof. Oddly enough... at the time, I felt that my way of ringing in the new year was positively pathetic. Plastered to the couch with hot tea and hopes of my fever breaking...but my face lighting up the moment Charlie walked in after work to give me my New Years kiss. And maybe that wasnt the most glamorous of stories... but I dont know that Id change a single thing about it. For better or for worse... in sickness and in health... for as long as you live... I love this man! My hero... my Charlie!
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 01:06:30 +0000

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