I study and write on social topics because I care about this great - TopicsExpress


I study and write on social topics because I care about this great country and those within her. As a financial expert and author, I believe many of societys financial issues could easily be solved with families remaining intact. The main reason many resent what the demonstrators are doing surrounding the Ferguson incident, is due to my belief that roughly 95% of them having absolutely no idea what actually occurred. There are indeed racist cops, of ALL color, but this is a tiny percentage of law enforcement officers across America and to focus on this does a disservice to the more critical issue, Black on Black crime and the breakup of the family. What makes the actions of the sympathizers and protestors abhorrent is their lack of true love and care for Blacks in communities across America who are killing each other in shocking numbers, without a word from Obama, Holder, Sharpton, or any other, including the protestors. How many of us know that two days after Wilson shot Brown, that a Black officer in Utah shot an unarmed White teen (Dillon Taylor) in front of a 7-11? Not many of us know this. Ask yourself “why”? Are we being manipulated? Does the media have the ability to shape public opinion? If those of you who profess outrage, frustration, empathy, etc. for the Black protestors, who burned businesses, stole, attacked police and others would instead choose to focus attention on the real problem I could get behind your effort. Instead, the collective actions and hypocrisy of those who feign concern speaks so loudly I cannot hear what they’re saying. According to the 2011 FBI statistics, of the 2,695 murders in which the victim was black, 91% were committed by Blacks. Whites and Hispanics were the perpetrator in only 193 (7%) cases. *Note: Most murders occur within the same race. However, Black on Black crime per capita is the true concern. Black on Black crime statistics are largely ignored, why? I ask you, if you were charged with protecting the public, were would your attention focus? 2008 (Jan-June) New York City Crime Statistics by Race: -83% of all gun assailants were black, while making up 24% of the population -Blacks and Hispanics together accounted for 98% of all gun assailants -49 of every 50 muggings and murders were carried out by blacks or Hispanics -Blacks and Hispanics commit 96% of the crimes in New York Source: news.yahoo/black-americas-real-problem-isnt-white-racism-070000529.html A President and an Attorney General, who happen to be Black, are in a unique position to shape national dialog that would bring attention to this matter like no other in history. They could focus on Black on Black crime and the breakdown of the American family as a whole. Due to their race, many who might normally reject this dialog originating from a White President, would have listened to a Black President. They could bring up the unwed mothers whose numbers are rising in all races, but are downright shocking within the Black community. They could have made an impact like no others before them. Why have they chosen to focus their attention elsewhere? Obama, you will go down in history as a man who wasted the opportunity to heal a nation like few before you could have. Instead, you chose to divide a nation like no one who came before you ever could.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 15:09:04 +0000

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