I think I just had to post something positive too today - TopicsExpress


I think I just had to post something positive too today :) After sharing so much depressing information about the state of the Kingdom of Denmark... You know, Shakespear was right! There is indeed something rotten in the Kingdom of Denmark! The smell is suffocating! Corruption, injustice, reverse Robin Hood robberies conducted by the politicians and the governement goes on EVERY DAY. the situation is getting worse day by day. We pay the highest income tax in the world - but have no social security safety net anymore. Peoples legal rights are daily violated by the authorities. The municipalities are violating existing laws to an extent that is incredible. And there is not much chance of bringing theese criminals to a court*. Worse than Italy.. Denmark used to be a very secure, peaceful and good country. A country to be proud of. But that is history. The information about the rotten situation in Denmark has not as yet reached the world. * Cases against the Danish Governemnt are under preparation. @Lisa Schultz Matens - to answer your question... I hope you do not feel tempted to laugh!! The Before picture; we used to take good care of our invalides. Today the municipalities are - as you can see on the second picture - pushing handicapped people out of their wheel chairs.. People who have worked hard and paid very high taxes their whole life, believing that Denmark has an excellent social security safety net (i.e. people who need help will for sure get help) - wake up to a bitter disappointment when illness or accidents hit them...
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 06:55:35 +0000

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