I think i am starting to understand how people felt during late - TopicsExpress


I think i am starting to understand how people felt during late 30s in Germany...slowly watching people rights be stripped away and them not doing anything about it. Its the boiling frog effect. I would say its interesting to watch, but really its just saddens me to watch what happened in Germany happen again in the UK. So i though i would outline whats happening, it might encourage you do something about it. Thats worst thing about seeing all of this, is not some sort smart ass thing. Its watching people i care about, people i respect, people i spent time with, broke bread with, people i had some amazing adventures with all sit back and do nothing....that scares me more than anything. my question is when is enough enough? Anyways here is brief summary of some scary things that are going on. Again i encourage you to look into these yourself, dont take my word for it, question everything i am saying here, but please look. The Lisbon treaty: Gordon Brown Signed us up for this legally binding agreement, which means people that we are unable legally to back out of this agreement without other members agreeing......so whats scary about this...welll this (2) Deprivation of life shall not be regarded as inflicted in contravention of this article when it results from the use of force which is no more than absolutely necessary: (a) in defense of any person from unlawful violence; (b) in order to effect a lawful arrest or to prevent escape of a person lawfully detained; (c) in action lawfully taken for the purpose of quelling a riot or insurrection. its (c) that scares me. Basically its saying that human rights act that protects us from capital punishment can be suspended the quelling of riot. I am not making this up, its in Lisbon treaty and its very real. Now this law pasted when Gordon brown was in power, now add this Anti-Social Behavior, Crime and Policing Bill working it way though the house of commons. with out a word from the BBC about it. with new laws, it would allow Police or even PCSO private companys employees, to have the power to say that if two or more people are together, they could legally call it a illegal protest, based on this persons judgement. Legally they could then use Lisbon treaty as defense and kill people. But thats just theory, but its boiling frog situation. it wont be abused right away these things take time. like Anti-Terrorist laws So Anti Terrorist laws, in the UK you can be held for 28 days without trial under the terrorist act. this just few examples of how this law has been used. People have been arrest being a terrorist for walking on cycle path, no wearing a seat belt. Taking pictures of there familys outside buildings. by the way, the UK has longest holding time of 28 days about 3 weeks more than the US. Anyways, we seeing the criminalsation of homeless, and with vague laws coming into effect, we could see anyone above the age of 10 years, forced into legal agreements like being banned from saying word Grass which is already a true story under ASBO. now under the new Anti-Social laws, we could see people being banned from city centers. even counties just for protesting against something that council or county did not like. These wide ranging powers are vague and scary. Sadly its all happening and all it takes is for someone to start abusing these powers and we start down a very slippery slop, towards rounding up homeless people and putting them into prisons. The Police now have the absolute power to ban people from protesting against the police or government, or even anything they deem to be anti social! Its scary and we are heading for some dark times. What you can do about it now, is wake up, read and learn. ask questions, stop watching TV! and the News, read your own sources, independent from mainstream. You can share all this with your friends and help them understand how important it is we act now before we watch them come and take people away one by one. It has happened many times from Chile to Germany and it can and will happen again if we dont stop it now! thanks
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 10:32:03 +0000

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