I think that Poppy is going to be my next heart attack child. Dear - TopicsExpress


I think that Poppy is going to be my next heart attack child. Dear old Roscoe offered me many moments of concern due to his inquisitive nature and very simple brain, but he was the sweetest old soul.....I do miss him so. I especially miss his garbage picking....I digress.... *sigh* Anyway, Poppy child seems to have a death wish of sorts. This fur child is obsessed with electric cords and plugs. I have used bitter apple, chew stop, and tabasco in vaseline, and she STILL pulls out the lamp cords! Anything that moves, like a spider or a fly, she does exactly what Roscoe used to do with them. Chase, taste, immobilize, tease and try to eat. Good grief!!! Its a good thing shes not tall enough or big enough to get into the garbage can! I cant put down a piddle pad in a room where shell be confined for awhile or she shreds them into billions of fluffy pieces and then runs around like her hiney is on fire when i try to catch her to scold her, suddenly stopping, dropping, and rolling over with her tail going 100mph... HOW DO YOU YELL AT THIS!!!??? AAAAHHHH! So, yesterday it was a jumping spider and today is is a fly. I wish i could have gotten video of her toying with it, but the camera makes noise when it turns on and it distracted her. She played with it til the other girls got close, then she put it in her mouth and carried it into the living room where she dropped it, picked it up, dropped it, picked it up, and dropped it again. I thot it was surely dead so I picked it up to get rid of it and it started buzzing in my hand....LOLOL! Now I know why she kept dropping it.....Could it be that she needs that buzz now and again and thats why she wont leave the cords/plugs alone!?!?!? Shes gonna get zapped....i keep telling her chis dont have curly hair! Nor are they cats with 9 lives!!! She only gets ONE, and if she needs a buzz now and again, please go for the flies!!!
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 23:09:47 +0000

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