I think that maybe my time here at law school should be spent in - TopicsExpress


I think that maybe my time here at law school should be spent in the area of international law rather than Aboriginal law. Aboriginal law is a red herring to make me get off topic from the two row wampum and the silver covenant chain as well as other treaties. Aboriginal law is going nowhere! I just heard from a Prof that 20-30 yrs trying to improve this area of law has been railroaded and will always be railroaded by the the doctrine of discovery. The doctrine of discovery is legal fiction invented by the new comers to North America, the colonizers. How can you discover a territory that had nothing on it but its own original inhabitants? The very foundation of the rule of law in North America is flawed. This form of law is a going to make us complicit with the current way of doing business which is not in our best interest. In my opinion, colonizer law has and will always continue to hurt Indigenous peoples. Along with Justice Harry Laforme, a real turtle Island person who also happens to be an Ontario Court of Appeal Justice, the Prof and Justice both acknowledge that they may have been wasting their time in this form of law. Aboriginal law makes me feel like i jumped out of the circle of real people and into the arms of the devil (Ohtkon Saraksa). I, for one dont have time to waste on this subject. I want to help not to hurt! Lets go international! Scrap the Indian Act and get back to your real indigenous nations. Constitutions, Governance, Land regimes, membership, residency, leadership selection, how to make laws, financial and resource management, rules, procedures and policy all belong with you. You cant Legislate sovereignty you have to take it. Dont call yourselves BC, Yukon, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec or New Brunswick. Call yourselves what you are. Lets not fight amongst ourselves. Work together! I mean all of the Inuit, Metis and what they call Indians should work together. Columbus, the killer, mistakenly thought he was in India and now real Indians from India and I share a laugh about the situation. Lets build our real people populations back to what they were. To all the Indigenous lawyer types, use your knowledge to build real transparent governments (minus political parties) that really work for the people. Dont get too hung up on the old fashion way. Take major principles but do what is right for todays circumstance. Their is a role for women and men, elders and youth, in Indigenous Government. Haudenoshaunee and living tree mean adding to the rafters and that is what our wise old real people ancestors want us to do. Sitting on the sidelines is what the colonizers want us to do. Traditional and Band Councils Unite! We need a plan of action with priorities. The first thing to do is to question Aboriginal law. Hanio, lets go.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 06:44:49 +0000

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