I title this, THE VALIDATION OF GOODWILL by Pastor Segun Aluya - TopicsExpress


I title this, THE VALIDATION OF GOODWILL by Pastor Segun Aluya (read and nod) Nigerian politics can be very interesting depending on how you look at it. PDP has always been a more holistic party accommodating people of divergent perspectives but sharing similar goals. It is apparent that there is greater internal democracy and unity in the PDP than the APC. When people feel like their interests are taken into cognizance within a group, they tend to agree on issues faster. APC as someone has rightly said is still void of a real agenda for this nation and that underscores their inability to decide on several issues. They only act like the proverbial bad wife who goes about bad-mouthing her husband in public. If I would advice APC, I would suggest that they forget 2015. It is clear that at this rate, they cant make any significant impact in that election. They will have to go back home and put their house in order. The leadership itself appears to have become incapable of handling the issues of the party as a whole. When you allow a political party that wishes to provide leadership for an entire nation to operate on the whims of only one man who is highly biased and significantly incapable of effectively handling the affairs of State, thats what you get. Let the concerned members of APC plead with its supreme dictator to allow a system of fairness and equity in the choice of candidates for office. They can start with Lagos State. Political parties will always be what they are; groups of people who lobby other people to get their support in elections. But let it not be that the lobbying is done towards only one person who always has the final say. PDP still appears to have the big wigs and the best brains for this singular reason. When people are allowed to express themselves and there is proof that they have a say in what goes on, they are likely to throw in their weight. Only back-stabbers and selfish people will go to a party where there is no common goal. They will find solace their because they will find a suitable environment to play their dirty games. The likes of Atiku (who has set records in the history of political party cross-carpeting in this country) and Tambuwal (who has successfully displayed his two-timing and untrustworthy nature) shouldnt be the ambassadors of a party that promises fairness, justice, transparency, equity, and honesty. GEJ is not perfect. But I think it will be very unfair to even compare him in anyway with these two people. If for anything, the fact that he has displayed a commitment to what he believes qualifies him a gazillion times more than these men. Besides how can Nigerians living in the wake of the Twenty-First Century even court the idea of having a primitive Buhari lead us? A who is Kwankwaso? What is his popularity rating? Please if we want to change GEJ, we could at the very least settle for someone better. Not to move to someone several steps below him. Nigerians are very intelligent people. Dont try to make fools out of us by presenting the likes of these who have in no way displayed the basic characteristics of leadership to take this nation anywhere but backwards. Our democracy is evolving and we can ONLY get better. Finally, NIGERIA IS NOT AND WILL NEVER BE AN ISLAMIC STATE! God bless Nigeria!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 09:38:52 +0000

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