I try not to go there. It usually just bores people but if it - TopicsExpress


I try not to go there. It usually just bores people but if it lights enough fires ... It will be worth it. ...We are, right now, in the midst of a clear and present danger. It is only by the mercy of God and nothing else.. that the terrorists have not already wreaked their havoc here as they have in other parts of the world. Currently Barney Fife has more credibility than the US govt. where security is concerned. Thats not to say that the intelligence agencies are not working hard. They are... and God bless them. We have to pray for the govt ... no matter what we feel about the leaders. Wisdom and protection for all of us and all of them ... especially those that live and work near the borders. Lord, deliver us from evil. Simply put ... If the border is not defended. The nation is not defended. This next election is critical. We need to pray hard and Pastors need to tell their people to register and vote in droves to elect those that will effectively control and protect the border. Otherwise its just a matter of time. Currently the southern US border does not exist. We are as vulnerable as the morning of 9-11. and the federal govt is sitting on its hands. Over 650,000 people have attempted to cross the border in the last 350 days according to Congressman Jason Chaffetz. and over 150,000 have gotten through. ... 4 of them, with known mid east terrorist ties were stopped the day before 9-11 2014 ... after they were already in the US. It would be naive to think that others have not already succeeded. The GAO said that only 6% of the border is actually controlled in any way. Picture a pie chart and a forest fire 6% contained ... it is not much. Recently (within the last week) the homeland security secretary (thats the head guy directly under the president) said that he has no idea of the actual operational control of the border. I believe that it is God that intervened in his mercy and caused those 4 to be stopped. It had little to do with the policies of this govt. Currently there have been repeated statements, sanctioned and broadcast by ISIS that they plan to terrorize the US. These people dont just talk. They have proven repeatedly that they do what they say. They have proven that they can shoot the gap in a second and dont care a lick if they die. ... and the current gaggle of politicians and media personalities act as if the people that take this stuff seriously enough to actually do something effective are the enemy crazies. Any real action is judged an over reaction in their mind and is immediately slapped with verbal abuse and a federal law suit. Osama Bin Laden was a pimple on a dogs snout compared to the financing and organizational skills that ISIS has already demonstrated and Bin laden did what he said ... multiple times... Embassies., USS Cole, first trade tower bomb. ... etc. The US border to Mexico is a sieve. Death and murder and rape along the border are a way of life, the wild west ... and, Though immigration is/ has been a political football with both sides creating the current atmosphere ...still... bottom line, Harry Reid controls all (all) of the legislation in the US govt and has for years. He has blocked every attempt to deal with the border. Drug lords have ordered beheadings by the score for many years in Laredo and other border towns. ISIS would go as unhindered as smuggler coyotes. The entire southwest is wide open to attack and these ISIS people know that... and are certifiably crazy. They will do what ever the plan is without hesitation. Its a house of cards. All it would take is one mass assault of, already proven insane, suicide fighters on the King ranch or some Texas/ Arizona town to cause a total mistrust and rejection of all US federal officials. States would choose to defend themselves and federal officials and their families would be forced out of town on the next flight. Isis is not stupid. If I can figure it out ... so can they.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 05:20:25 +0000

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