I try to understand things but nothing makes sense to me any more - TopicsExpress


I try to understand things but nothing makes sense to me any more I’m tired of the struggle the fight. ya to me a women that don’t have her virtue is worthless to me bc they are the purest of them all. I’m just tired of always getting used up banged out so called women. ya a lot of you ppl don’t like the truth. TOUGH SHIT. All women do is give left overs to the next man there with after a while u get thirty dirty left overs. It would be like eating a $30 burger that everyone has eaten off of walked on spit on dumped on made it a good time burger. Then it’s given to you. Now does that sound appetizing NOT. Men stay the same women change and get stretched out to where they only want a 10-2 dick bc they can’t feel anything else. They can dress up put make up on just to look good but the truth is that they have been with every tom dick and harry out there. Then they want you to be there next person to eat there burger. Now if you had a burger that was fresh of the grill seasoned fresh lettuce fresh tomatoes fresh onion and placed in front of you of course you would eat it. Its fresh and you are the only person it is served to. Even if the burger is to big you can still cut it in half and take it home to eat the other half bc it was you that was the only one to eat it. so this is how I see things a women that has been around that every1 has eaten off of makes her less appetizing than a fresh burger that only you get to eat and sauté season to your liking. To many cooks in the kitchen ruins the food. See my point...
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 18:58:07 +0000

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