I updated Conners caring bridge. He is having surgery next week on - TopicsExpress


I updated Conners caring bridge. He is having surgery next week on the 15th at Childrens Hospital in Dallas. We need everyone praying for him. caringbridge.org/visit/connermcdougall.............My sweet little boy is about to not be so little anymore! This Saturday the 13th he will be turning 10 years old!! I cant believe he will be 10 already! He is going to get a special day this Saturday. He gets to go to the OU game! He loves getting to go to the games! We had his birthday party this past Saturday and as always he had an awesome party!! The superheros even made an appearance again! Conner thinks that is the neatest thing ever to have the superheros come to his birthday. The other kids love it too! I am so thankful God has blessed me with 10 years of Conners life so far, and I know there are many more years to come! I really cant imagine what my life would be like right now if I would have lost Conner that day also! Conner has brought me so much joy over this last few years! I wont lie though, my heart does break that he isnt up getting to do the things that other kids get to do his age. Sometimes I feel like he has been robbed of his childhood, but it doesnt seem to phase him at all. He always has a smile on his face and is so happy and content all the time. We always try our best to make his life as normal as possible for him and let him get to experience things. This isnt always an easy task to accomplish, but well worth seeing him get to do things and not just be stuck in the house all the time! He is just such a blessing to our life and so many other peoples life!!! He does have a surgery coming up this coming Monday the 15th. They are going to try a less invasive approach with fixing his ureters first, before having to re-implant them. They will actually be placing gel into the head of the ureters to try and fix the problems he has been having. We need to be praying this procedure works, because if it doesnt he will have to do the re-implant of the ureters and this will be a very rough surgery for him. They will give it a few months to see if it works or not! They are doing the surgery Monday at Childrens Hospital in Dallas. They will keep him overnight, but as long as everything goes good we should get to come home Tuesday. Pray that we dont pick up any germs while in the hospital. There are some really nasty viruses going around right now, and Conner definitely doesnt need that!! I will let you know how the procedure goes. Just be covering him in prayer that day! This momma hates every time he has to go through a surgery!! Conner has been through to many already! The next thing I need everyone praying about is his kidneys. The kidney doctor did a test on him a couple of weeks ago, and it came back showing there was a lot of scar tissue in his left kidney. This can cause a lot of problems down the road. It can lead to kidney damage or even renal failure. If they can get this issue fixed with the ureter and how his kidney isnt draining right, then the risk of these issues happening wont be as a great of a risk. He is basically just keeping a constant infection with that kidney and ureter draining so slow, so that is what is causing the scar tissue in the kidney. So we just need to pray that what they do to him Monday will fix the whole issue!! We do have to monitor Conner closely now. We will have to go to Dallas to the kidney doctor every 2 months for blood work and to monitor his blood pressure. I dont believe that God has brought Conner this far to allow his kidney to stop working. The crazy thing is, this is something he was born with! So we more than likely would have had issues with this even if the wreck didnt happen! Having a spinal cord injury doesnt help the situation though. I was thinking about how healthy he is though! Other than this issue, he is nothing like what he should be. He should have chronic pneumonia, all kinds of respiratory issues, along with numerous other problems. Praise the Lord for the power of prayer and healing that Conner is actually VERY healthy!! So we count our blessings about all that! He is still doing great being off the vent! He got to open his birthday presents for the first time this year without his vent on!!! I love seeing that! We are also scheduled to go back to Baltimore in October for his 2 week outpatient spinal cord injury therapy. We are excited and ready to go! We love seeing him work so hard while he is there, and they do such an amazing job at teaching us what to come home and do with him also. They are just an amazing place! Please continue to pray for all of family also with the passing of my step-dad, especially my mom!! She is trying to learn how to begin a new life without him now, and that is a hard task to do. They were together for 24 years. So I know she feels so lost right now. We are thankful that he is in Heaven. We know that one day we will all be together again. Also please continue to pray for Missy and Paul Smith. They lost their 12 year old daughter in a tragic accident a few weeks ago. They are so broken right now and need all the prayers they can get. My heart just breaks for them! Thank you for always lifting up all the prayer request that I have! We wouldnt be where we are today if it wasnt for the power of all of your prayers. We love all of you! Robbin, Sonya, and Conner
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 18:57:25 +0000

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