I used to believe there was a propensity for the religious people - TopicsExpress


I used to believe there was a propensity for the religious people I know to openly lie. Then, as I got older, I learned they are not telling lies they actually believe the bullshit they spew from their mouths. That was incongruent with what I know about human behavior as I understood it. So I began to consider other rationales. I believe I have finally found one that holds the feet of the religious to the fire with both their beliefs and their lies. When you are a conservative religious person you do not have to think. You are not open to explanations that are beyond the scope of your Bible, etc.. You believe what some religious person tells you on your day of obligation and you soak in the information like a sponge soaks up water. You seldom exceed your capacity to absorb that information because you continually hear the same information week after week. You spend no time attempting to discover the origins of the religious beliefs you tout yourself to understand. You believe the material was written by your God. You find reading anything that questions your beliefs as heretical. You do not augment your beliefs with facts. There is no need as you have all the proof you need. What is sad is that you are indeed telling lies. You are paraphrasing religious material some over 3,000 years old. You are so stuck in your rut of beliefs you do not venture to experience the true meaning of life. What a shame. Just if you kept your ignorance in the halls of your religious building and keep them out of the halls of science and human life of others.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 22:27:38 +0000

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