I used to study in help university from may 2012 to may 2013. In - TopicsExpress


I used to study in help university from may 2012 to may 2013. In that period, I was so depressed because I kept failing subjects. I was so stress and I left there eventually. After that, I went to an English learning centre for four months because I knew that English is the big disadvantage for me and I have to overcome it. Even thought there are a lot of things I still have to improve including my broken English, the centre helped me to find back a little of my confidence which is totally lost after my secondary school life. After completing the course, I chose another university to restarted my journey but I still couldnt fully concentrate on my subjects. During a gathering, two of my secondary school friends Lim Wen Yi and Gan Han Hao told me how they like their academic even they are also suffering in their subjects but they still overcome it finally. They asked me why I cant study well and take a good result like my past. I told them that I dont quite like my academic and this is the main point which makes me no motivation to do it. They said that what is the point of studying if you are not interested about it and asked me to find a target to achieve. Suddenly, I recalled one of my friends A Kang who told me that I am a dreamer who always have high ambition but low action and he asked me to be an achiever who have high ambition and high action also during a leadership class. Because of their advising and something happened recently, I finally found back what I want to be and my target is very clear in my mind especially after touching the area. Due to some external and internal reasons, I cant straight away to do what I actually want to do. But I have already planned my future, I hope I can successfully graduate from here without delaying again. What I can do it right now is to study hard. Maybe the result is still the same, but I will try my best. Hahaha. At last, I want to say thank you to all my friends who always listen my problems and help me to find solutions no matter what it is. I think I have changed a lot because of you all. You make me stronger than what I predict. I think the most wonderful thing is I have a lot of friends who always help me when I need you all especially my secondary school friends. Hahaha. There are a lot of friends I hardly find or I dont really think I will find after secondary school, but we are still friends, arent we? If someday you need me, I will try my best to help you as you help me. Hahaha. Thanks for Chinese high school which gives me the best memories in my life. Until now, the memories of 同乐会, 运动会,课室布置, 毕业典礼(almost crying) keep recalling in my mind
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 09:13:50 +0000

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