I wake and I receive messages of no, and excuses on why people can - TopicsExpress


I wake and I receive messages of no, and excuses on why people can not do things, no we cannot sponsor your event, :( even though they support one of the charities we raising funds for :) no we cannot come to your event £5 is too much to give to the various baby charities.... no we cannot share you page, as we not got the time no we cannot stay friends as you raise awareness on pprom, you go to speak to that person and you find they deleted you no we can not sign your petition a baby is not a baby till the government states 24 weeks viable stage no cannot help with your court appearance, yet everyone who knows my story knows the level of care was crap and that more are suffering no we cannot make your life easier at work, we know you are dealing with alot, but every time you query something we tell you not to bother to tell us, unless it goes wrong then we blame you even though you were not at work as we signed you off, it is your responsibility to get it right even though it states its wrong. Would it not be nice for one day for people to say yes, and tell me something positive I have a goal, and even after the nos the tears, and yes I do cry, normally when I need to chat, I been deleted, but this is the reasons I cannot give up 1. To do non profit or charity work, its hard work, people forget that these amazing groups help lots of people, people that you know, you be surprised, but each event we have done, the satisfaction that you know you making awareness counts, and you meet some inspiring people. 2. Companies can donate, but you got to get in at the right time, to the right person. 3. People find it hard to deal with, try standing in my shoes, at least I try, and when people want to add me again, I do not turn them down, always willing to help or support regardless of my own worries. 4. just take a look at my sleeping baby in my profile, my daughter Sinead was a baby, if I lived in a different part of the world, she would of been classed as a baby! I would of been treated, i would of had my scan, she would of had a massive chance, she would of been 3 years old right now, had they looked after me and follow procedures and I would not being having flashbacks 5. I fight on behalf of stopping what happen to me, if you brought your child and they ignored you, your child later died, you would do I want I do, I deserved to of had decent care and to guidelines, and we all know decent care and the right care does exist so no excuses should be used, surely its best to admit so then you can get it right? For the record I asked for independent review, obviously the hospital cares more about reputation then getting it right, even though they admitted mistakes, makes me....... 6. Work, oh well for the first time, I am lost for words! and really cannot express how I really feel on this. 7. For every no I get, I justify it by knowing that because I raised awareness, someone who is going through either Pprom, or a loss, have had to experience premature birth, or have group b strep, they get empowered with knowledge, and I do know that it has helped them, for that, even though I lost friends, yes I am alone with my court stuff, but I was not meant to give up, I would never get closure and never change things. So next time, before you say NO think, really can I not just say Yes Do something different and think if all my wall posts, there is always ways to do things, if their is a WILL There is a WILL. Sadly Only way to change things is to fight these days and to set up non profit . charities to make awareness, and BOY do the ones ABOVE make sure how to make if blinking challenging.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 08:33:02 +0000

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