I wanna warn you, very strongly, this is Not how you ask me out on - TopicsExpress


I wanna warn you, very strongly, this is Not how you ask me out on a date! This is the Wrong way to get my attention! This is NOT how you ask me to come to you! Why cant you do anything normally? Why do you want me to come to you intent on hurting you? Ive got minutes on my phone now, why cant you speak to me? Do you think I can read your mind & youve got a mouth? Why am I doing this AGAIN with you? Its embarrassing to say this but I really wanna kill you sometimes so youd go away & stop bringing me back here. Im back Looking at you, waiting for you to say something, but you say Nothing & expect me to understand your silence. I cant Read The Air, Im sorry, Im a Gaijin. Yknow, with all the plans Ive made going to prison for killing someone would ruin everything for me. Nobodyd understand I was just trying to end it fast & you wouldnt stop & I couldnt take anymore. Everyone would see me as the Bad Guy and say Theres still never an excuse to take a human life over this but being in this moment right now with you I can understand why Men Kill their wives & girlfriends. I no longer blame all men for beating & Killing their spouses & girlfriends, I just cant defend somebody who would provoke somebody so badly theyre left no choice but to kill. Tell me, what am I supposed to do here? Just be upset & do nothing? Live the rest of my life in fear of your wrath? Walk around scared of you? Or should I do what it takes to get rid of someone who wont go away on their own? It doesnt make sense what youre doing, to hang around & bother me when you could do other stuff. Trust me, I know Ill never catch you in any of the stuff you do but Im at the point where I dont care about evidence or catching you in stuff. Im ready to go, & besides hes telling me its you anyway. Theres no one else with a reason or motive. I dont wanna hurt you cuz Ive got a lot I need to do. But if you wanted me upset, you got it. But Im out of anger. Im just tired now. I just thought about it yknow? If I dont finish you this could happen again anytime & Im not in the mood anymore for your games. I can rewrite my plans & letters, the blueprints right in front of me. Ill pay to find whos been in my personal information & records. I know you paid for information & theres a record of whoever reads your info, so youll be in there somewhere. Then Im suing once I find a Trace of you. Im done with this. Youre not gonna haunt me like a ghost who wont go away, theres a Trace of you Somewhere cuz you cant get in without authorizations or passwords, furthermore suspicion & probable cause is enough to summon personal information & launch an investigation. Even if theres no physical evidence, motive is enough to make someone a suspect & obtain court ordered releases. I gotta make an example outta somebody that Bullying has to stop. Wives trying to Bully & intimidate their husbands get their asses killed or beat up. Ive got time to run this investigation & nothing to lose. Lets go. Lets test how thoroughly you covered your tracks. Because I know one last thing: even if you hid everything from sight, you left a way back in just in case you dont get caught so you can do it again, & Im gonna find it.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 06:01:54 +0000

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