I want to clarify a point that apparently needs it...Morals..A - TopicsExpress


I want to clarify a point that apparently needs it...Morals..A Moral Society or the Moral Decline of said Society is not exclusively or sometimes NOT AT ALL about just Christian values... its about basic human morals that NO civil society can endure without. Alexis de Tocqueville summed it up in Democracy in America over 135 years ago. He referenced a quote thats origin has been debated for decades, but not the content. Look back at Rome, Athens, and any number of modern societies that are crumbling as I type this. (America included) The morals in general that are spoken of in the decline of nations are captioned below and whether it was Alexander Tyler in 1770 or Alexander Fraser Tyler later...the content is as true now as then. A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising them the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy.... The worlds great civilizations have progressed through this sequence: *from bondage to spiritual faith; *from spiritual faith to great courage; *from courage to liberty; *from liberty to abundance; *from abundance to selfishness; *from selfishness to complacency; *from complacency to apathy; *from apathy to dependence; *from dependence back again into bondage. This is the exact path we have followed and between apathy and dependence now. .With over 47% already dependent and enrolling more at break neck speeds. The moral decline spoken of in the decline of nations now and before us is about respect for life and property and about personal responsibility...All of which the government pushes out of the conversation everyday.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 20:13:11 +0000

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