I want to explain, calmly and compassionately, why its a big deal - TopicsExpress


I want to explain, calmly and compassionately, why its a big deal if you put your name on something that isnt yours. Its great to share works you enjoy. Its best if you can credit the maker, but not everyone does - ok, I get it, this isnt a term paper youre writing. BUT. Putting your own name on that awesome photograph or graphic or beneath that bit of writing that someone else came up with - that is not ok. Heres why: The real currency for creatives is originality. Say I sit down and write something heartfelt, and I make a cool graphic to accompany it with an original quote. That goes up on my website and people read it and enjoy it, which, wow! Im thrilled! It spreads. Also thrilling! Some people like it so much they want to claim it as theirs. Not thrilling. If you put your name on something I wrote, now theres confusion about who created it. Maybe some people think *my* work is the derivative work, which makes it less appealing. I have actually been accused of stealing my own work because people have seen it published elsewhere, misattributed. If Im trying to run a business that provides original content and the originality of that content comes into question, that is damaging. Its not a compliment to have your work appropriated. It is wonderful to love and enjoy a piece of creativity. But dont say or imply that you created it when you didnt. If you feel moved, let it move you! See what it moves you to create, and then claim THAT as yours. I love it when we inspire each other. I will celebrate that all day long.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 18:37:34 +0000

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