I want to share with you a very special man who not only saved but - TopicsExpress


I want to share with you a very special man who not only saved but changed my life. There is a reason Gwyneth Paltrow and so many others praise his work. At 29 I was a successful New York City talent agent and was sent to Dallas on a business trip. After a long night of fun with some other talent agents i woke up the next morning violently throwing up and eventually throwing up blood. At 29 I had a severe stomach ulcer They gave me pills just to hold down water I even started having fainting spells and could barely eat. Long story short over the course of the next few years putting my career on hold and 9 doctors later and dozens of pills from Nexium to prevacid to antibiotics you name it they gave it to me. It wasnt better it was worse. I was sleeping 15+ hours a day could barely eat anything with out medication. Like a gift from God I found this Dr. Sadeghi who was the first Doctor to address the effect my ability to oppress or deny my emotional constitution and how it was turning toxic on me. How I was able to convince myself I was ok and be able to function pushing down trauma so deep it had manifested in illness. The medication was only curing the symptoms not the cause and In fact causing more harm then good. He healed me entirely through a holistic process and sent me on a new evolved journey through life never again negating the effect my emotional and spiritual state have on my physical. Dont ever confuse denial with acceptance #drsadeghi #healing #soul #GwynethPaltrow #peace
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 02:50:33 +0000

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