I want to take time to thank everyone who worked so hard to see - TopicsExpress


I want to take time to thank everyone who worked so hard to see Friday night’s Refreshing Night of Worship – for Women / Daughters come together. It was very a special night, a labor of love by a lot of people who gave of their time to help with this special night to honor the women of our community… Thank you to my awesome husband Donovan Nelson for your support, your prayers, and your love. You are my rock. My sounding board. My best friend! I love you so, so much!! Thank you Natalie Brookhart for coordinating the details. You had so much going on in your life, especially after the flood, yet you gave sacrificially of yourself yet again to tend to the details of the night. There was a lot thrown at you right up to the last minute… but you handled it all with grace and lovingly gave of yourself to see that the evening went smoothly so that the women were blessed. My heart overflows with gratitude for you. Thank you for your friendship and love and for continually supporting me, my ministry and the vision the Lord has given for these events. (and for making me feel less like a crazy person) :) Thank you Taylor French for partnering with me in this, believing in the vision, and leading us in worship on this night. No obstacle, including no electricity until 45 min before 7pm, was going to stop us from worshiping the Lord. You brought together a beautiful team of vocalists and musicians who were excited to worship the Lord and see the women blessed and refreshed. Thank you for your leadership, and your servants heart. Thank you to the entire Brownsville Assembly of God worship team – Melissa Andress Myers, Calmeta Bachmeier, Tammy Warnock, Ashley Glover, Sarah Jones, and Marjie Imler for sharing your beautiful musical gifts with us. What powerful instruments you each have… Love you all very much. Thank you to the awesome women who stepped in to ensure we had an all female band – Kristi Hofberger, Bethany Jeanne Kolb, Bethany Thompson, and Tammy Anderson. Your excitement was contagious. I appreciate each of you more than I can even say… your heart to partner with us in this brings me such joy. And you are each so gifted in the talent the Lord has given you. Thank you to Bekah Gismondi and Lexi Triplet for singing and ministering with the beautiful voices God has given you. Yall are both so young but God has certainly placed a beautiful anointing on you that transcends age. Keep stepping out in obedience… God will continue using you in surprising, wonderful ways. ☺ Thank you Bekah G., Melissa Meyers and my mom, Debbie Robertson, for sealing the night up by flowing in beautiful prophetic worship… yall had no clue you were going to do that, but you answered the call, came together, and flowed as though you’d been singing together for years. It was truly refreshing. Thank you Brooke St Pierre and Shayna Parrish for kicking us off with that beautiful dance dedicated to your mothers. You painted a beautiful picture for us through your movement, and heart. You have such an amazing gift and I love the vision the Lord has given you for your dance ministry! We were all so blessed that you to share it with us. Thank you to the rest of the 412 Dance team Anna Urban, Majestie Paradise Mcrae, and Rebecca Deschene for jumping in (literally) last minute and kicking us off with some awesome worship dance whilst releasing an explosion of freedom into the atmosphere. Thank you Mary Elizabeth Black for getting our live streaming up and running. And for making sure all of the media components of the night were taken care of and for everything else you do. I appreciate you very much and am so blessed to have had you working diligently on all of these details. Thank you Jonathan Gabriel Suarez (Gabe) for holding down the sound for the night! We couldn’t have done it with out you!! Love that you can just roll with anything. ☺ Thank you to all the guys who came out to help cover the video side of things and run cameras – Don Thompson, Dennis, and Donald Steven Tugman … You guys are great at what you do and we so appreciate your efforts in capturing the evening on film. Thank you John Loverin from Digital Media Education for coming to call the shots in the video control room ensuring an excellent video coverage and live stream experience. It was such a blessing to see you and your team, Jonathan and Steven Sweet. Thank you Sarah Kacey Sweet for giving of your time to take photos and capture the evening on film. You are a blessing to me, and I am so grateful for you. You not only take amazing photos but you do so with such heart and excitement. You make it fun and everyone feels so special. :) Thank you Ben Kiesler for designing such a breathtaking logo for our Refreshing nights (for this one and the ones to come)… You took what was in my heart and created something for the world to see. Not something I could ever have done on my own!! :) Thank you Patsy Yocom for being, well, YOU and releasing freedom into the atmosphere through your flags and pure heart before the Lord. And Aneta Austin for relseaing beauty and freedom through movement and worship and heart! Thank you to my amazing prayer team. Brandi Triplet, Patsy Yocom, Olivia, Aneta Austin, Natalie Brookhart, Maryanne Gismondi, Shannon Ryan Wermers , Brooke St. Pierre, Lisa St Pierre, Bekah Gismondi, Elaine Sablan. You each are such prayer warriors and I am truly blessed beyond what I can even say in words that you continue on this journey with me, and believe in the vision and are committed to prayer. I need you ladies. And am so incredibly blessed to have you with me in this!!! Thank you to each and everyone of you who helped to SPREAD THE WORD!! The Lord showed me that I was not to do fancy advertising for this. That I was to activate the body to spread the word. To invite you to partner with me in getting word out about what God was up to in our area. Thank you for your obedience. And for your excitement. And for your support and prayers. (Be ready to start spreading the word for June 14th… more info soon). :) Thank you to all the guys who came out to work security for us ensuring us women, and children, were secure and well taken care of. We honor you too… Thank you. Thank you Pastor Evon Horton for believing in the vision the Lord gave me and for opening your doors for this awesome DAUGHTERS NIGHT OF WORSHIP!! :) Your heart to see women rise up and encourage one another is truly a blessing and not taken lightly. I am so blessed to have had yet another opportunity to minister the Love of Jesus from the platform of Brownsville AG… the place where I was called into ministry over 15 years ago… Such a gift from the Lord. Last, but certainly not least – thank you to each of you who came out! We rolled out the red carpet for YOU. And we would have done it all again even if YOU were the only ONE who came. It was truly an honor to serve you on this night and speak the love of Jesus over you in your journey. You women are mighty warriors… released to do “all things” through Christ… Rise up and embrace the awesome call of God on your life. Hold tight to the promises of the Lord and allow yourself to be led by His spirit in all that you do. I speak blessings over you now and love you all through the awesome love of our Savior, Jesus Christ. To God be the glory. Krissy notaloneministries
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 00:23:09 +0000

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