I want to test for the infamous Ballmers Peak. Im looking for - TopicsExpress


I want to test for the infamous Ballmers Peak. Im looking for ideas, input, feedback, and most importantly, anyone that wants to join me. For those of you who do not know about this, please see the xkcd comic: xkcd/323/ Is it possible to test for this? Does programming/problem solving hit a sweet spot after a drink or two... or five? There has been a paper or two about this: betabeat/2012/04/bottoms-up-the-ballmer-peak-is-real-study-says/ fabbs.org/index.php?cID=462 I was thinking about timing myself doing random programming problems. But what problems? The issue is that the problems need to be of semi-uniform difficulty, short enough to do a fair number of them over the course of a few hours, and I cant know about the problems beforehand (otherwise I will think about how to solve them). I was thinking about randomly sampling problems from https://projecteuler.net/problems , but these might be too mathy and not programming problems. If it exists, I think the Ballmers peak will vary by individual, but it should make for an interesting evening. Thoughts?
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:10:36 +0000

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