I wanted to share this really lovely video with you all ... - TopicsExpress


I wanted to share this really lovely video with you all ... because it has been my experience in working with women who want to do great things for other people and THAT is the inspiration for my Queendom Program (@the queendom of wealth). Its also been my experience, as a Public Speaker, of people criticising me and trying to cut me down. It took a massive toll on me emotionally and I came to believe I was NOT enough - I lost faith and belief in me. Please watch this, with a tissue in hand for happy tears as I know you will relate to the journey and experience that many of these women feel, on some level, maybe not as deep as me and others but Im sure youll see some of it in you - let me know if thats true. With regards The Queendom Of Wealth Program that I run, despite my other professional pursuits, I will NEVER stop offering my that Program - at bargain prices with great bonuses. Because EVERY WOMAN (and man) deserves support to achieve all that you want to be. You are enough and the world is ready to celebrate it all, as soon as you are ready to step up. Ive hugged many of my mentoring clients over the years and wiped away many tears, as we have experienced her breakthroughs and letting go of injected and self-imposed limiting beliefs and low self esteem. Women have the most amazing ideas and inspiration and intentions to do great things in the world, add in a structure and genuine, loving support and she can make a big difference in the world. And guys, most women do have this internal struggle going on, even ones in business who are doing great on the outside and I know many of you do your best to support and guide and love us through it all. THANK YOU! Enjoy ... with love. #WomensProsperityClub #CelebratingLoveLaughterAndLearning #QueendomOfWealth = #WomenRedefiningPower to #ImproveLives.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 03:04:36 +0000

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