I wanted to take a moment this morning to appreciate how different - TopicsExpress


I wanted to take a moment this morning to appreciate how different some of my friends are from me, or each other. Its great, but sometimes (and this has been happening a bit more lately) I get frustrated with how some people have been putting things. People getting told that they cant speak on a given topic, or people with potentially strong opinions at either end of the spectrum totally discrediting input, or making statements like if you believe fact X, why dont you just shut up and not talk to me. The middle ground sucks, it really does. Having to give up on all of what you want to get some of what you want or takes a small step in the right direction is not what we start the day wanting, but it is the way of the less bloody chapters of human advancement. Stop obsessing on Overton windows and losing ground and start treating people like people more (even the ones who are insane to believe that garbage). Ive managed over the years to change my mind on a few things, and it was almost always due to the words of people patient enough to talk about it rather than go all polarized and inflexible and silent and cold. Maybe it is better to be an advocate or a teacher than a warrior on some things.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 18:16:59 +0000

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