I wanted to tell you guys that I was thinking of you last night - TopicsExpress


I wanted to tell you guys that I was thinking of you last night and wanted to tell you how grateful I am for you. I was thinking of how I posted about Stellaluna and how I am able to just be open about how I feel about the furry ones and I get acceptance here! I feel like no one really gets it because they think they are just animals. When Jake was abandoned on my steps, I took one look at that little guy and thought How can I just let him stay outside in the cold and be abandoned? Or when I called the shelter and was told they were full, I wondered okay, what do I do now? I have to admit, I was feeling REALLY overwhelmed at another cat and quite pissed off that someone abandoned this little one. I couldnt help but think He must be so scared. So, I worked with him and got him to trust me. I wasnt going to blame a cat for the actions of an ignorant human. I did a scathing blog on My Space about cruel people who treat animals like an old toy that they get sick of. When Jake was diagnosed with kidney crystals, I cried over him and got him all wet with tears. I still remember that. He was looking into my face like he was saying Mommy, whats wrong? It was so gratifying to see him get better and start playing for the first time ever! He must have felt so lousy and all he did was sleep. When he got better, he began attacking my futon couch. It was so funny to see. Hed start at one end and kind of scooch his body all the way down to the other end, looking like an auto mechanic under a car trying to make repairs. After he got better, he sat on my computer desk tray looking at me and then began to cover my face with kisses. He just sat there and kissed my entire face. He was so serious when he did that. He hasnt done that since. I think he got his point across. I didnt know until Joshua died, that a little cat could make you cry that much over them when they do pass on. Joshuas presence used to fill my house and when I came home after he was put down (due to complete kidney failure) the house felt so empty. He was twenty years old and the vet said that kidneys in cats werent made to function that long. As I type this, Jake is sitting beside me, purring and batting at me with his paws, wanting lovings. I went outside for a second and his little nose was in the window wondering when mommy was coming back in. Its funny the feelings pets invoke. When I was younger, I never wanted to feel hurt again and got incredibly hard and cold. I regretted it. So its funny that Stellaluna gets me to want to watch out for him till he is gone. Who knew that a little pet would soften up my heart? I guess I am actually a mom but not to a biological child. When I see a little animal like Jake or Lexus be mistreated, it drives me crazy and makes me so angry! I look at their innocence and think, How could someone mistreat someone who is so trusting and reliant on you? And has such a cute little face? I guess it makes my protectiveness come out. If I could have had words with Mollys poor excuses for pet parents, Id tell them to screw. Getting rid of a fur baby when she is eleven. Because you got a dog and had a baby? She TRUSTED YOU. And Jake being left on my doorstep? Who does that? And poor Lexus being starved. ZZ would put food down if she saw her outside and Brian if he saw the cans would throw them away. So she never got to eat! And miscarried a kitten in my tub because she had no body fat or even food to feed the little one. I think of Sayeh when I came in from my mothers funeral and how he trusted that mommy would play with him after she made her tea. His innocence just touched me deeply. My current landlords told me that there is a law restricting the amount of cats I can have. I called animal control and found out there wasnt. Kirsten told me that I should put them in a shelter, Richard told me to just put them in a shelter and get out of the apartment and if I didnt move by October 15, theyd start eviction proceedings. Im current in my rent and everything. Never been behind actually. Could you all pray for me to get a place that I can truly call my own, let the fur kids I have grow old in a place where they know that they are loved? I think having a pet makes you discover who you are as well as brings out maternal or paternal instincts. I look at Sunshine who is fifteen and think How could I put her in a shelter? Im her mommy. She will never understand. I bet she would look out of her cage and wonder when I was coming back. How could I do that and just walk away? I cant. The thought makes me cry. And to think of them being put down because no one wants them is just devastating. But I think my landlords would love that. I think whoever abandoned Jake didnt give a damn about him. I know this is a heartfelt posting and I think talking about Stellaluna being a kitten and wanting to be there for him brought it out. I just think there is worth in every life on earth. Even a cats. They add so much value to our lives and I for one am grateful for the personalities of my fur babies. I think its what made me cry when Daisy was sick. Maybe love is what makes you cry when you think of the innocence of these little beings. Sorry for the long post. Im just feeling all of these things.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 13:13:57 +0000

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