I was hanging out over at a ladys apartment watching horror movies - TopicsExpress


I was hanging out over at a ladys apartment watching horror movies when she pulls out an x-ray of her arm. A half-circle of bone was gone from her upper arm bone. She says the doctor have no clue how it happened-even the bone doctor. So today Im putting away a war surgery book, and I quickly look for torn tendons because my ankle hurts like a busted bone. But then appears an X-ray like hers. So I read. And I look around a little. Get this-at some point the (civilian) medical establishment stopped complicating diagnoses of various problems, on account that there was absolutely no hope of dealing with the underlying cause. You see there is an affliction so terrific and widely spread that when you figure in that the toxic action of the disease cannot be found once it is isolated to one part of the body, that doctors were taught just to treat the final sick part of the body..That disease is Tuberculosis, and tine tests only detect if you are mad crazy contagious-not if it is tearing apart something on your body. Localized (undetectable) Tb infections include Schlatters dieseas (wiped from modern history) of the tibia, lymph glands, bladder, breast, bursa (spelled bursae by real doctors), ear, intestinal tract, kidney, larynx, liver (that they still know about), muscle fibers, peritoneum, pharynx, prostate, spine, tendon sheaths (now attributed to dna mutations, incorrectly)), testicles, tongue, ureter, vesicles, plus isolated skin legions (without ANY other manifestations to host). Now that about covers most common places folks get cancer in the US, and doctors are in the dark that once upon a time men researched whether the mutations of cancer were cause by the ravages of Tb-but wait theres still leukemia, and cancer of the bone itself. Also listed are Tb in the skull bone (undetectable), dactylitis (no longer in medical books), spine (duh), osteitis, periostitis-but also is characterized bone carrying necrotica (Tb). Wow! But its better still-these college kids with meningitis...drum roll.. Tb manifests as what is commonly called bacterial meningitis, and was called as such. will the new obamacare healthcare exploitation tax help to discover if all the men 70 years ago were right-and if we all have insane afflictions such as cancer from localized Tb toxins? Of course not, the doctors dont even know that era of medicine ever happened. Iodin was the ;terror hormone that they isolated and injected in 1919-absolutely proven by western science to produce a fight or flight response and produced by the thyroid.. Now they medicate folks for anxiety. Folks found treatment 95 years ago, and theres no link or history about Graves disease. Anyway, is the girl gonna be happy to see she isnt alone-other folks surely are missing parts of their bones right now to be sure, with doctors left scratching their balls for a solution... https://youtube/watch?v=CSWrrhWdsKU
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 23:28:29 +0000

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