I was prepared for careless words to come spilling forth; words - TopicsExpress


I was prepared for careless words to come spilling forth; words that would cut me even if they weren’t meant for harm. I had already rehearsed my side of the debate and I was ready to defend my point of view. But no harsh words came and there was no need to defend. What I had thought would be a big deal, turned out to be a simple exchange of information. How many times have I done this in my life? How many times have I fretted and worried, only to find it was all for nothing? Too many. Being prepared is great and all, but there is a marked difference between being prepared to diffuse a volatile conversation and wasting time worrying. Many times the very things we worry over never happen. Maybe this is why Jesus told us not to worry about tomorrow. (Matthew 6:25-27) In fact, there are scriptures sprinkled all throughout the Bible that address the real-life issue of worry. As I grow in Christ, I’m learning to rest more in His peace. I’m striving harder these days to focus on Him and less on the opinions of others. And gradually, as a result of these two choices, unnecessary conflict and drama are fading from my life. When we rest in Christ’s peace our whole demeanor changes and we begin entering into conflict with an attitude that calms rather that irritates. When we allow Christ’s peace to permeate our hearts, it becomes like a sweet perfume that hovers around us and draws others close. And, when we focus more on God and less on the opinions of others, we begin making different choices. We can have confidence that the thoughts and actions God prompts us toward will always extend blessings and infuse life to others. God’s voice is always accurate and with the correct motives, but that cannot be said for humans, which is why it’ vital to listen more to God than to the voices around us. I would encourage you all today to push aside the worry of what people might think. Consult with the Lord, bathe the situation with prayer and when His peace covers you, embrace it. Then, step forth boldly in the way God has directed you while extending His grace and gentleness to those around you. Give it a try, it just might change your whole life. ****Dont forget to like and share this post and to comment on how this touched your heart today!**** rebeccagertner
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 17:39:21 +0000

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