I wasnt able to post this article directly from the web to FBook. - TopicsExpress


I wasnt able to post this article directly from the web to FBook. But managed to copy and paste. Mr. Boehner & Mr. Cruz keep telling the media and their followers/supporters that they were (Im Paraphrasing) Fighting the good fight but lost. And thats why they just had to let the government come to a shut down. Just below is a sample, one small part of the big picture being fought for by these guys, and our Congress. Its enlightening really, that these two, and many others in government actually believe the american public is that blind and uninformed, and maybe we are. So all sarcasm aside now; thank you Mr. President, for fighting the good fight so that these heartless, unfeeling, greedy bastards wont be able to get away with monstrous, criminal actions like this anymore. ------------------------------ Updated Report in USA Today; WellPoint Targets Breast Cancer Patients for Cancellation. By Michael Winter, USA TODAY Updated 2010-04-22 6:11 PM WellPoint, the nations largest insurer, has aggressively targeted women with breast cancer with the intent of canceling their health insurance policies, Reuters news service is reporting, citing federal investigators and regulators. The insurer has used a computer program to automatically trigger fraud investigations despite no evidence of wrongdoing. The practice, called rescission, has been used for years to control costs and boost profits. Congress has cited WellPoint, which has 33.7 million policyholders, as being one of the worst offenders. The landmark insurance overhaul is supposed to end such practices, but critics say it lacks enforcement or regulatory powers. Focusing on the cases of three women, Reuters writes, Once the women were singled out, they say, the insurer then canceled their policies based on either erroneous or flimsy information. Citing privacy laws, WellPoint said it would not comment on the womens specific cases without a signed waiver from them. Reuters summarizes what the company said in a statement: WellPoint said various specified criteria trigger rescission investigations, including certain types of medical claims. The company said it changed its rescission practices to ensure they are handled appropriately after a 2006 review of its policies prompted by public concern over rescission. WellPoint also said it created a committee that includes a physician for making rescission decisions. The company also noted that it established a single point of contact for members undergoing an investigation and enacted an appeals process for applicants who disagree with the original determination. During the recent legislative process for the reform law, however, lobbyists for WellPoint and other top insurance companies successfully fought proposed provisions of the legislation. In particular, they complained about rules that would have made it more difficult for the companies to fairly -- or unfairly -- cancel policyholders. WellPoint CEO and President Angela Braly has earned plaudits for how her company improved the medical care and treatment of other policyholders with breast cancer, Reuters writes. She faced tough questioning in February when she testified at a congressional hearing on insurance reform legislation. In a separate investigation recently, Reuters showed how Assurant Health similarly targeted HIV-positive policyholders for cancellation. Courts ordered the company to pay millions of dollars in settlements. Your turn. Have any of you had your health insurance canceled for similar reasons? (Posted by Michael Winter) TAGS: WELLPOINT ANGELA BRALY ASSURANT HEALTH
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 01:49:16 +0000

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