I will never forget the words spoken to me once: There should be - TopicsExpress


I will never forget the words spoken to me once: There should be separate schools for the children of idiots like you. This was the same person who had also just called my children, specifically Jack, disease ridden muppets Rarely do I come across anyone that agrees with my decision and yes, you have to grow tough when you live alternatively. I didnt need this article to tell me that. I dont understand why each parent cant decide whats best for their own children without ridicule. I have never ridiculed a parent who chose differently. However, I do wish that everyone who has children WOULD do their homework before making a decision. I also wish the majority of the pro-vax society would stop assuming that un-vaxxed children automatically have these diseases somehow. They get angry at us because they say we are putting the immunocompromised, and even the children who arent, at risk but what about that FluMist your child just took? That is a live virus that is administered into the nasal cavity and can remain live for up to 21 days. So, when your child sneezes, guess what he/she is spreading? You got it. The flu. In most vaccine inserts, you will find that it warns against the vaccinated being in the presence of infants, pregnant women, the elderly, or the immunocompromised for up to two weeks. So, who is it that could potentially spread these diseases and has had them (live or not) injected into their bodies? Hm. I also find it funny that such a large percentage want to strip religious rights from children and parents by not allowing these children in schools, yet these are the same people fighting for prayer in schools. You dont think Christianity is a qualification for a religious exemption? I would say that a vast number of vaccines containing aborted fetal cells would definitely qualify Christianity for an exemption. Ok. Im done. Stupid articles.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 13:30:55 +0000

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