I will say up front that I am an extreme skeptic. As a lifelong - TopicsExpress


I will say up front that I am an extreme skeptic. As a lifelong ghostbusters fan I love the idea of ghosts, but Ive always been a long way from believing in them. In fact, I didnt even know how skeptical I was about paranormal activity until I went to presentation Wednesday that was put on by a local paranormal research group. I went, in part, because I was already registered for a tour of the McPike Mansion in Alton IL, so I thought it might help get me in the spirit (pardon the pun... though it was intentional). There was a general discussion about evidence collection, and a big section devoted to photos of Orbs and whether they represent spirits or dust (I happen to be pretty firmly in the latter camp). So when we got to the McPike Masion, just after nightfall last night, I was not expecting much. In fact, I did a fair amount of eye rolling and giggling at all of the people who were trying out their dowsing rods and attempting to capture EVPs with their audio recorders. This night, I thought, would be entertaining but not much else. I set up my camera with my go-to wideangle lens since I knew we would be in tight quarters, and put the diffuser on my speedlight so that I could be sure to minimize orbs in my pictures. The night was pretty straight forward- a tour around a neat old mansion, a presentation on the history, and a session in the dark cellar to try communicating with spirits. I did not have any spooky experiences in the cellar even though I really tried to be open to something. When it was over I snapped a few more pictures and we called it a night. That was the end, right? My indirect flash wasnt going to show any orbs, I didnt have any sudden feelings of cold, and no spirits poked me in the eyes - an entertaining night, but no proof of afterlife. Well.... Today when I downloaded my pictures I had to raise an eyebrow. I loaded the files into lightroom and tossed one of my high contrast black & white presets on them just to see if it would make anything pop out at me.... Again, not expecting anything at all. A few pictures in, I noticed the weird reflection in this window. Im not ready to say its a ghost, but I cant help but feel like its someone peeking out the window at us. WHO KNOWS! Happy Halloween
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 21:29:28 +0000

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