I wonder if fb has a psycho analysis dept.they profile u thru de - TopicsExpress


I wonder if fb has a psycho analysis dept.they profile u thru de stuff u say n creatin like a behavioural profile.it givs an unknown power to manipulate/pursuade de masses thru subtle suggestions.I cant seem 2 wrap my head around mans desire 2 not only gain infinate material wealth BUT also the satisfaction of wantin 2 control ppl.not a conspiracy theory,jus an observation.it aint racial prejudice we against,its slavery of de mind...control.ppl hav dat inbred characteristic of needin 2 believ in sumthin greater than their own understandin.4 instance...a doctored bible,secrets kept away by de Vatican.I guess its de ways of de world frm de dawn of mankind.Dominance over de very ppl dat seek protection/comfort.Im not an athiest but cant fathem hw ppl r so easily influenced,regulated by opinionated suggestions that is morally/socially acceptable.validated n concrete only thru generations of upbringin.yeah bro,cud go on 4 days wit dis but wudnt even shake de foundation of a layed inheritence of upbringin.free thinkers n rebels r unknowingly silenced by a misrepresented misconception tactically placed to regulate acceptable beviour.we think therefore we r.Freedom is truelly a state of mind.(Want peace of mind-take a piece of mine-evolve)
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 06:43:55 +0000

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