I worked in a residential treatment facility for emotionally - TopicsExpress


I worked in a residential treatment facility for emotionally disturbed juveniles a long time ago in Boise, ID....it was horrific & I was MORTIFIED at the way some of the worst kids were treated....they used a solitary confinement room in the basement of a separate building so the children confined to those rooms were alone in a cold basement with nothing but a FILTHY mattress & pillow & NO BLANKET & NO BATHROOM!!! I truly thought I had stepped back into the days of Charles Dickens & the living conditions of too many at that time in the cities of Great Britain!! It was just AWFUL & there was one really adorable little 11 year old boy, who spent MOST of the time in my first month there in solitary....when he finally got out....yeah....he was a bit on edge!! & of course, would act out & ultimately end up right back in the basement in solitary!! ! I was very good friends though, at that time with the head of health & welfare for the state & his wife was one of my best friends (still is, actually) & one night after dinner & over some after dinner drinks...he asked me how that job was going & I started crying as I told him about that little boy, Nick was his name, & he was furious.....they left the restaurant & drove straight to the facility (unbeknownst to me!) & he walked in & demanded an inspection in the middle of the night....he asked to see the medical records & where where the nurse they were SUPPOSED to have on duty 24/7/365 & who was not there! AND he demanded to see the solitary rooms in the separate building!! TOTALLY caught them off guard & BAM!! It really wasnt long at all & the place was shut down!!! Oh yeah....I forgot one other thing....they took in LOTS of money as they had been an orphanage for many years prior to becoming that treatment facility & I worked in the office once in a while too, & was blown away by the mail I would open just full of checks to the place from people who had been giving large amounts for YEARS!!! Gotta say....I am quite proud that I got that place shut down when I did. Those kids had tough enough lives before ever getting placed there & they deserved a whole lot better treatment than they were getting there! There was even a young boy of maybe 12 or 13 who had murdered another kid on the school bus...the kid had been bullied mercilessly by the other boy & his buddies & he finally just SNAPPED & killed the leader bully!!! :(
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 08:39:51 +0000

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